Sign In Issues

Hey Fam… my phone just updated over night the other night, and now I can’t sign in any longer on my phone.
My iPad is still signed in, but it hasn’t updated yet.
Ive deleted and re-installed the app on my phone, cleared all my internet cache and everything that Ive tried in the past that seemed to have fixed it.
But this time it’s not.

Ive tried Chrome, Edge, and Safari on my phone, and none of them are working.
And I’m not sure if it has something to do with the new iPhone update, or if the Universe is just trying to give me a sign.

Anyways, just thought id see if anyone else was having this issue or just me

Thanks Fam


I was having problems signing into the app on my phone. It didn’t matter what I did, whether it was clearing cache, restarting my phone, deleting and re-installing the app or trying a different browser… nothing worked. I still don’t know what the problem was lol.

I’ve been using my laptop to get into the community these last few months with no problem, so I’m not entirely sure if it’s just the app.


Hey @bigblock66! Sorry to hear you’re not able to log in on certain devices. Please reach out Customer Support with those details, so they can help you further.


I’m having issues signing in to my dc account on my other devices as well. Every time it says “logging in” it freezes and never logs me in


Yeah, thats what mine is doing.
After I put in my user name and password, it just says “Logging In”, but never actually does.


I can confirm I’m having the same exact issue as @bigblock66. Can log on from a computer, but not from iPhone (tried on two different iPhones). Sent in a ticket, but got the usual “clear your history” response (which no, it doesn’t help).


Anyone found a solution for this issue yet? Mines still not working


I submitted a ticket to support staff, but mine still isn’t working either.



I pray this issue gets fixed soon, because now my iPad keeps trying to update but I’m afraid to let it, because if it does the same issue that my iPhone did, I’m screwed as far as being able to sign into the forum. :unamused::slightly_frowning_face:


Still can only log on from a computer. Can’t log in from iPhone. Tech Support unresponsive.


Same here. @moro
I submitted a ticket to them a while back, but haven’t heard back.
And I can only log in with my laptop.
Problem is, I have always communicated with the DC Forum on my iPhone or iPad , like 99% of the time.
If I can only communicate from my laptop, then I will pretty much become nonexistent to the community.
Because I rarely have the opportunity to get on my laptop.
I truly hope it gets corrected soon.
If not, your friendly neighborhood BigBlock may be dead in the water.


Yeah I’m in the same boat. Right around the time I was hoping to ramp my presence here back up a bit. Oh well. It obviously isn’t affecting that many people, given the deafening silence to our complaints :slight_smile:


Oh hell no… wait a minute mister @moro , dont you ever suggest that we don’t love your forums… buster boo.
I got enough on my plate. Don’t make me get in my Jeep and drive over there Mister.

No but honestly, we’re all a big family, and… although I know that this issue will get remedied… I just hope it is soon.
I have a weird feeling that it is a iOS issue…
but regardless…




That wasn’t what I was implying. Only that the powers that be aren’t getting enough complaints for this issue to be a priority.

By all means drive your jeep over here though. I know a couple good places to grab lunch :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


i know my friend… i just needed a good laugh… hold on, here i come…



Same issue here. I reached out to tech support and they responded but the issue is still here. It fixed for like 2 hours yesterday and then logged me out and I haven’t been able to log back on from my phone. I can use PC but it’s a lot less convenient than just using my phone, which I used before 99% of the time. That’s also why I’ve hardly posted the past week or so. Hope things get solved for everyone soon.


Hey BB66!

Sorry for the late response here–feel free to toss me an @ next time so I can get eyes on it asap!

Sounds like @MidnightsSon, @DreamingGirlWonder, @moro, @basicallytimdrake are also seeing the same issue here…can any/all of you do me a favor and post a screenshot of what error shows up, or whatever screen you are brought to when trying to log in? That way I can get a sense of what you’re actually seeing, and I can pass that off to CS and hopefully get some answers!

Sorry for the troubles–hopefully we can get this sorted out!




This is what my screen looks like

It freezes on this screen and never logs me in


Same here. Sorry, I was going to do a snap shot, but had to deal with Roofing guys.
But, yeah, same. No matter what Internet provider I use, it just locks up after I put my email and password in