Shreck's Department Store: Still in Business in 2019?

Sure, Max Schreck got roasted 27 years ago, but what happened to his fabled department store in the aftermath of Batman Returns?

Did they stay on pace for the remainder of the 90’s with expansion and manage to properly embrace the internet as it came along to intelligently expand their business, and are now a neck and neck competitor with Amazon? Or is Shreck’s in the same position as Sears or worse?

Cash in your Shreck’s store credit below with what you think the “post-Max” fate of this Gotham retailer is/was.



I don’t think Chip was as “gifted” an entrepreneur as his father was. Perhaps the company was bought out by NygmaTech.


Sad to say, I think they’ve hit the skids. I think there’s a good chance Max survived, though. Little Neosporin on that.



I think they moved up market. There is money in Gotham and charity galas seemingly every Tuesday. So they went the “Barney’s” route. Which has served them well. The owned the land, so that reduced their overhead and allowed them to remain profitable.


hands Neosporin to biff

It’s all you buddy :slight_smile:

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Unfortunately, the ill fated down market off shoot Max’s Hometown Market tanked driving the parent company into Chapter 7.


I think they suffered the same fate at the hands of as scores of other retailers.

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Didn’t Catwoman blow it up? I don’t know it’s been awhile


The Gotham Gazette published a shocking expose about Max’s two faced life. Business at the store plummeted beyond recovery. Bruce Wayne bought the land and turned it into an orphanage. Batman visits once a year to drop off presents for the kids.


It’s not out of business, they just sell the only thing Amazon doesn’t: used tires from east Denmark. Best d**n tires I ever had. You know, until they burst five minutes off the lot.


@Vroom Great thread. When I saw it I thought “man that name sounds familiar” clicks on thread yep Batman Returns. I think they survived. The Wayne Foundation donated money to remodel the store. Afterwards it focused on Gotham specialty items and BatFan merch. Giving jobs to juvenile delinquents and orphans. There is talk of a new Powerless line of items to aid Gotham citizens in there ever growing, and everyday fight to protect themselves from the villains that plague this great city.


@RDB Catwoman did blow it up, but Wayne Enterprises rebuilt the building at Chip’s behest.

WE even added a Costco-style food court to the renovated building. Word has it that Shreck’s pizza is nummers.

Word also has it that Shreck’s gets occassional prank calls from someone named “Donkey”.