San Diego Comic Con and DC Fan Dome Online & FREE?!

I just read an article that said that SDCC is going to be moving online from July 22-26 and will be FREE for anybody to join: San Diego Comic-Con at Home will be free - CNET. While this news might not be the happiest for people who were planning on actually going to the convention, this is big news for us fans who can’t participate due to busy schedules, money commitment, etc. I think the article’s a couple of days old, so forgive me if I’m retreading covered ground in the forums.

Also, I saw that DC specifically will be doing a similar thing on August 22 for FREE called the DC Fan Dome:
This should feature a lot of news for DC events. I’ve heard that there will be things about Harley Quinn, Doom Patrol, Titans, Stargirl, Young Justice, Watchmen, Justice League Snyder Cut, Wonder Woman 84, The Batman, Black Adam, and many more. I also heard that this is where they might be announcing (speculation) the new Batwoman actress. This is a fairly new announcement, so I’ll try to update it if anything extra comes out :slight_smile:


This is great to know! Thanks for the info - I’m going to have to check this out.

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Yoyofroyo, thanks for the heads up. You are awesome. Thinking of others during this time and with all of our wallets a bit thinner now, mucho gratzias sorry if was spelled wrong. If you ever open a froyo named after your tasty name please let me know I’ll stand inline.

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