Roll For It! Which Yellow Lantern Are You?

Have you ever wondered what Sinestro Corps member you’d be? Think on it no longer - everyone’s favorite robot, Kelex, has recently been calibrated to tell you exactly what member fits you the best (disclaimer: DCUI is not responsible for any mental anguish you may experience if you roll your least favorite character).

Ready? Let’s play! All you need to do is @ Kelex, tell him to “Roll 1d10", and he’ll do the rest.

For example: @Kelex roll 1d10

Match your number to the below list to discover what Yellow Lantern you’d be! Feel free to tell us how you’d use the yellow ring to conquer the universe. :yellow_circle: :moneybag: :point_down:

Yellow Lantern Corps Members.
  1. Sinestro.
  2. Arkillo.
  3. Karu-Sil.
  4. Kryb.
  5. Lyssa Drak.
  6. Mongul.
  7. Anti-Monitor.
  8. Despotellis.
  9. Amon Sur.
  10. Your Choice!


I got Arkillo! He’s fun. I was hoping for Sinestro, since he’s one of the few Yellow Lanterns who can be good, but Arkillo isn’t too bad, usually. He’s been able to work with other Lanterns Corps, which is saying a lot.


I got Mongul. Time to destroy @Green.Lantern 's home.


This got awkward fast. :laughing:


@Kelex roll 1d10

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:game_die: 10

@Kelex roll 1d10

:game_die: 3

Cool! I am Karu Sil.

Do not worry. It will lead to you getting a great ten year run to fix it. You will even get to keep your character history for New 52.

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@Kelex roll 1d10

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:game_die: 3

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Oh, cool. I hadn’t heard of her before today. She sounds interesting.

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@Kelex roll 1d10

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:game_die: 6

I’m Mongul!


Mongul like being a Yellow Lantern!

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@Kelex roll 1d10

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:game_die: 3

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