Rocksteady Confirms They’re Working on a Suicide Squad Game!

My question is if playable characters will be added through updates. It seems everyone wants to create playerbases that keep coming back for new characters, gear, missions, etc. Deadshot, Captain Boomerang, and Harley Quinn seem like surefire picks so I’m curious how deep their roster will be and how far back into the teams’ composition they’ll pull from.

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I thought I was excited for DCFandome before!


I am only going to be Excited about it if it’s in the Arkham universe

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I hope it’s in the Arkham Universe @FBI because it would play off the post credits scene from Arkham Origins


Great explanation. Some games do it really well while others really rob you. In one way I love the opportunity to support my favorite developers, in another way some take advantage of this and no longer give you a full game at launch anymore.

Fandome is going to be wild for sure. So many things I’m excited for and so many surprises in store. I can’t wait to see some gameplay.


Huge fan of Ostrander’s run. Hope this game doesn’t suck. My favorite Rocksteady game is Arkham City but I’m curious as to what the gameplay is gonna be like. It’d be nice to have a large cast that play differently from each other.


i just got actual chills, i am so excited!!!


I do love the Batman games. I’ll probably drop money on this when it comes out.


Can’t wait hopefully the wait was worth it. Wish I didn’t have to get a new system to play it.


sounds good to me, as long as they do it well. i’ve been playing overwatch for years

Sure – as long as it’s all cosmetic stuff and they don’t do something stupid like what Marvel’s The Avengers are doing, I think it’ll probably work out well for everyone.

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i hope it’s more like overwatch in that everything they add is free, but that’s unlikely i guess

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New reports saying it won’t be out until 2022 at the earliest let’s hope nots not true


This is exciting!