[Renegade Robins]Presents: The Super-Batman of Planet X and Never Fear [9PM PST/12:00AM EST]

Alien Batcave

They’re really having fun with the Superman riffs.

They sure are.

Uh oh I smell trouble

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Bat-Salt. Kevin Conroy isn’t liking this.

Bat salt indeed.

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Bat Conroy to the rescue

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Well, at least the tension is resolved. It’s not like that time that Superman gained the ability to shoot a tiny version of himself out of his hand, grew envious of the tiny version when it began stealing his press, and tried to kill it.


That GA

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I’m working on loading up the next one.

Now for the next one

I’ve started at 11:25.

Got it. Sorry my app crashed

Oh, look. It’s “Tim.” :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t think so lady

You mean Jay…Tim

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That was lucky for those people

I can never decide if I like this Scarecrow design or find it to be a bit too much.

I never cared for this design.

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