Questions for Brenton Thwaites, AKA Robin of Titans?

How long have you know who Dick Grayson is and in what medium did you first see the character?

What is your favorite part of the Dick Grayson character, and why do you think he has managed to stay relevant all these years?

Have you checked out any of the Teen Titans comic books and what are your thoughts if you have?

Although you’re playing Dick Grayson, which Robin do you feel like you identify with the most?

What made you interested in/drew you to the role/project ?

With Jason Todd confirmed, would you like to see Dick interact with more of the Bat Family? Perhaps Barbara Gordon?


If you could add another Titan from the comics to the TV cast who would it be?

If you could add another Titan from the comics to the TV cast who would it be?

Many critics are saying you a serious highlight. My question is what do you do as an actor to identify with the character, and what is your biggest struggle with identifying as the character?


With a character as beloved as Robin, how do you go about the role wanting to bring your own interpretation but also staying to true the core of the character that fans have grown up loving?

Is Dick at all relieved when Jason dies?

Were you/are you a comic fan before auditioning for this roll? If so, your favorite comic character? And you can’t answer Robin/Dick Grayson…lol.

What’s the chances of seeing Nightwing or any Batgirl romance flashbacks?

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