POLL: Which 80th Anniversary Character is Your Favorite?

Who is Your Favorite 80th Anniversary Character?

Visit our News Section to cast YOUR vote!

Let us know who you voted for and why in the comments below!


I have to go with the Joker. He is greatest villain in comic book history in my opinion, and has gotten two actors academy awards for playing him. The Batman and Joker relationship will continue to be one of the greatest in fiction until the end of time.


Iā€™m the only person who voted for Hawkman?! :sob:


Iā€™ve tried voting for Joker multiple times, but every time I do the poll shows no votes for him or Hawkman, just for Robin and Catwoman


Good call! Hawkman is definitely my vote too.


Robinā€¦NO doubt!




Somethings wrong with the poll. I voted Hawkman, but it says that he has no votes.


I have to go with Robin. He revolutionized comics.

And here I thought that people had just finally come around! :stuck_out_tongue:


Wow, I thought the world had gone mad after I voted then saw the results & Mr. J only had one vote, the one I had just cast! But after reading the other comments I wonder just how long my vote will last in this apparently rigged poll! Robin & Hawkman are both awesome but neither are the Cat! I mean come on, how many Robins have there been now, cuz I remember back when I actually voted to let Mr. J kill the snotty little crap Robin because he sucked! And Hawkman was written to get killed whenever the writers wanted to reinvent him which was novel but lacked commitment & true staying power! Now Catwoman is a close second to Joker because sheā€™s sexyvas hell & sheā€™s not really crazy or evil, sheā€™s just a bit greedy & amoral! But the way she has her claws in Batman, that double-edged sword of love that keeps both the Bat & the Cat from doing their ā€œjobsā€ often times, is not just fun but it gives both Batman & Bruce a truly human-side that needs & falls in & for Love! But then there is the Joker. In some version he might be the very killer who CREATED the Batman, in some versions he absolutely is the mugger turned murderer who took the lives of young Bruceā€™s Parents, still in other versions he is definitely not that petty little back alley crook turned killer - but Joker is ALL the personification of all the Madness that is wrong with Gotham & therefore with Bruceā€™s LIFE! Joker drives Bruce to don the cloak A cowl of Batman & to lose his own humanity & sanity to the darkness & fear his alterego is meant to inspire in all those beneath him, both figuratively AND literally! Bruce may argue that he isnā€™t meaning or wanting to terrify everyone but in truth that is exactly what he needs because fear keeps the innocent people out of his way & keeps the guilty making panicky, stupid mistakes that he uses to drive them into the situation that is most advantageous to himself! Joker is right when he insists that he & Batman are the same because they both use madness & fear as their primary weapons & driving force! Would either one exist without other? Definitely not according to some telling of the tale & prossibly not in the others! And what is absolutely certain is so many OTHER VILLIANS & DRIVING FORCES FOR BRUCE TO REMAIN THE BAT WOULD NOT EXIST WITHOUT A JOKER! Some versions have Joker being behind turning Harvey Dent both physically then mentally into Two-Face & there would never have bee the delightfully psychopathic turned sometimes heroic Harley Quinn! So many other villians chose their paths of supervilliany for no other initial reason than to prove they were better, smarter, more capable of killing Batman than the Joker or because they were one-time henchmen, cronies, or believed themselves to be partners of the Joker only to be left hold the bag as he escaped & vowing to prove they could off the Batman successfully without the Clown! Would Batman have stayed so hardcore if Joker HADNā€™T murdered Robin? Would Batman have stayed so devoted to bringing Joker & all his kind down if Joker had not shot & raped Batgirl, aka sweet Barbara Gordan, leaving her paralyzed?? Without Joker would Batman be so Batman - absolutely not because without Joker Gotham wouldnā€™t be so dark & desperately in need of a man-sized bat to protect it from all the fear & insanity & violence the Joker created! Yeah, itā€™s only Mr. J I say!!

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Robin. Because he was my segue into DC and the Batverse. And because even though Joker is my favorite villain, I can imagine a Batman without him. I canā€™t ā€” or donā€™t want to ā€” imagine a Batman that never had a Robin.


Oh man, choosing between Robin and Joker? This might take a while.

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Robin all the way. Grayson. Hereā€™s a tragic orphan who gets adopted by a billionaire, who happens to be Batman. He gets to fight crime with him. ā€˜Nuff said.


Robin 100%

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Tough one for sure. I went Joker in maybe half a second after seeing it. The others are some of my favorite evers. Joker has always been my favorite villain. Now. I know this isnā€™t a favorite villain thingā€¦but when I say that: I mean everā€¦in any format. Soā€¦has to be himā€¦

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Thatā€™s tough choice between Robin the 1st and greatest sidekick in Superhero community, then thereā€™s Joker one of the best super villains out thereā€¦AH iā€™m going to have to give to Robin mostly because of the characters who have taken up the mantle and show us different side to what their robin is and bring out in Batman.

Robin :weary:

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