Poll for DC Universe Members

Hey everyone! I made a poll just to see how my opinion compared to others when it comes to DC Universe now and what we want to see in the future. It’s only a few questions long and takes maybe a minute or two to answer, here’s a link!
Link: https://goo.gl/forms/7SfV0IMrXOwCe2rZ2


Answered as best as I could. In short: my priority will always be seeing more comics on here.


Hey, thanks so much for answering! I totally agree that more comics should be one of the main focuses for the app going forward, at least there has been noticable progress on that front with the addition of (I believe) a few thousand more issues. Also I love your other threads, definitely opened up my eyes to stuff I never knew about DC and I now have some cool information I didn’t have before :slight_smile:

I would agree!

Just answered the survey.

Thanks for answering! Around 8:00pm EST I’m going to stop accepting answers and compile some of the results and share them here!



Questions answered duder



Shoot, I missed this by 20 minutes

Darn! Hopefully I do this again in the future, I have written up a summary though and heres a link to that thread: https://www.dcuniverse.com/community/boards/betaparticipants/dc-universe-poll-summary

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