Poison Ivy (2022) | Book Discussion | Spoilers Ahead!

I’ve read the first issue and will probably wait to read the rest when it’s here on DCUI, but I am very interested by all the vegetarian/vegan points this issue brought up and that you’ve discussed. I do find it kind of interesting that Pam doesn’t eat plants because she cares about them so much. I’ve been a vegetarian for almost a year now, and the big difference with eating plants versus animals is that you can eat from a plant without killing the organism. You don’t have to kill an apple tree to eat an apple, for example. I have always been interested in this aspect of her character, and I’m very intrigued to read the rest of this series!


Oh, that was just Pam from the DC Super Hero Girls cartoon. They were just making a cute joke with that rather then trying to set up a valid debate on the topic.

But, yes, this is a very good point!


That makes sense! I really need to watch that show more. :slight_smile:


Not a show I would’ve watched myself, but, luckily, I have good friends in Harley’s Crew that get me to step outside my box.

Speaking of which, there’s a WAL for Teen Titans Go!/DC Super Hero Girls coming up on TBD (whenever HBO Max actually puts the movie up) if you or anyone else are interested:


Both iterations of DC Superhero Girls are a ton of fun, especially the second, which is currently on Netflix and the Cartoon Network app.


I do have some thoughts on that @TheCosmicMoth & @Green.Lantern (prob too many, lol :sweat_smile:) I’ll have to come back tho :green_heart: On my way out, but I’ll be back.

In the meantime, here’s the new cover (might swap out the one in the header) and a song that I’m positive Dr. Isley would be listening to on this quest of hers. It suits her. :drop_of_blood::rose:


Nice pick! The Smithereens are a deep cut and I could see this being on Pam’s road trip playlist.


Well now that’s what I’ll be building next time I make a playlist :raised_hands::rose: :notes:


Sorry I’m late to this. Just picked up the Robles #1 variant and newstand issue #2. Will jump back in here after I’ve read them. BTW- Sasha W. is giving the series some solid press over on YouTube:

:00_poison_ivy: :0_poison_ivy_bombshells: :0_poison_ivy_tas: :poison_eyebrowhqtas: :00_harlivy: :ivy_kiss: :0_poison_ivy_bombshells:


@Razzzcat, I give you a testimonial:


From Pamalamb to Harls. :green_heart: :black_heart:

:00_harlivy: :cobb_squad: :harleybathqtas: :harleys_crew:


The following has nothing to do with Ivy’s current book, but being that 2022 is the 25th anniversary of Ivy’s live-action debut, in Batman & Robin, I’m going to leave this for interested parties:


Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you got til it’s gone…


I :heart: Joni Mitchell.


its getting more and more interesting. I sense the conflict in Pam. she has not fully fallen to the dark side yet.


I saw this in theaters :grin: hard to believe Beatrix Kiddo and Poison ivy were played by the same Actress.


I saw Batman & Robin in theaters, too! :tada: :confetti_ball:

Three times, in fact:

    1. Opening night, and with my then-BFF.
    1. A few weeks later with my mom.
    1. A few weeks after that, and with my dad.

Part of why I still like the movie, faults and all, is because it came out in the summer between my graduating elementary school and when I began high school, and through that summer, my then-BFF and I really enjoyed the movie and its toys.

Speaking of, I bought most of the series 1 B&R action figures before the movie came out, and while my opinion of the movie has shifted over the years, I still very much enjoy its toy line, including those series 1 figures I still have, 25 years later.


saw it with my mom…not sure if i had any of the toys.


The good thing about the B&R toys is that even after a quarter-century, they’re very affordable and easy to find, especially the first two series of basic assortment figures.

Ivy’s 5-inch figures look nothing like Uma Thurman, but I suspect that’s likely due to her not having signed her likeness over for merchandise when the figures were in development.

Thurman’s likeness appeared on updated packaging for her basic figure, but the figure itself was never updated.

Anyway, Ivy in the comics!

I’ve been a good boy and resisted Poison Ivy #2 (hasn’t been easy, as the urge to be naughty and buy it keeps popping up), but I will be starting Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy soon, as that’s a mini that’s been on my To Read radar for a long time, now.


Dear G Willow Wilson & Marcio Takara,
Great news! :rose: Issue 2 didn’t disappoint either.
Ivy fighting her sentimentality towards some of the humans was great. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, this character isn’t like other “villains”. She is cynical, yes, so the way she seeks to achieve fairness might be… :speak_no_evil: warped at times, but imo, her heart is usually in the right place. She’s more human than she thinks. Ivy is also nothing if not faithful and that’s coming through. She’s grappling with losing a part of herself—the part that she perhaps loved most. So far, it’s saying (to me anyway) a lot about autonomy, strength, and what we choose to fight for. Given the tone, though, as of right now, I won’t be surprised if she doesn’t make it. :neutral_face: Which I won’t like one bit unless it’s a heroic death, sooo :eyes: Whatr you up to, G? It could go either way. Plus, I can’t take another break-up w/ Harls. I can’t! (Loving her little diamond necklace btw).

Ps. Cute blue-eyed criminals can’t resist cute ginger criminals either. Awwww. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Pps. :poisonivy_hqas: :cut_of_meat: (Paging Detective @TheCosmicMoth)

Additional thoughts on Dr. Isley, pt2:

I don’t think the point was entirely lost that all mass-farming is destructive and that no one is innocent, but I feel like it should’ve been a touch clearer for the less observant folks.

I’ve never thought Ivy wasn’t a meat-eater. She׳s an Alpha. A very do as I say, not as I do kinda lady. That being said, historically, Ivy has protected children and animals, knows how every living thing plays a roll in ecology, and the ugly ins and outs of how the earth is abused for the sake of profit, so this feels a little…like they oversimplified her motives.

Let’s be honest, Ivy would opt for a frat-boy steak to feed to a plant just as quickly as a cow or a lamb! Meaning, meat eaters (and heedless consumers alike): she has NOT vindicated any of us—you’re still accountable. :green_heart: We all have to do better. Even the vegetarians! That was the point.

Ivy is the perfect person to bring these things up, and call humans out as an invasive species, because… we often act like we are, so I’m glad they didn’t entirely cut corners w/ environmental ethics & economics. But for a long time now, that’s been why she does what she does. It’s 2022, after all. She’s not just some angry red head that men get to ogle and fantasize about (coughs- never ever getting :nail_care:). Ivy is intelligent, doesn’t trust anyone, and she definitely doesn’t like bullies. :woman_shrugging:t2: The end.

I hope we see more of that before the series ends.

While I’m here—another fitting song for her road trip!