Please Welcome to the Stage... New Moderator Staticshocks!

@staticshocks Welcome welcome, friend :slight_smile:

Happy to have you here!


Hello @staticshocks ! Welcome bro, excited to see you around here


Hey @staticshocks and good luck with your new job duties!


Welcome, welcome, welcome, @staticshocks! :partying_face: :champagne: :superman_hv_3:

It’s nifty that you, a wise soul with a penchant for electric characters, debut on the scene right when I’ve changed my avatar to that of Superman when his powers became electric-based in the late '90s.

Let’s hear it for badass, electrical heroes (and electrical appearances of heroes) of the '90s that have endured to the present day!

:fist_right:t2: :fist_left:t2:

SN: As a Milestone fan, what have you thought of the Milestone Returns minis, thus far?

Beyond Static: Season One, because it’s pretty obvious you like that title just a skosh, and then some. :nerd_face:


Greetings and salutations to the new moderator. Congratulations on your new position within the DC family.


Great taste! I’ve got a huge soft spot for the electric folks and speedsters (Flash fam, I’m gunnin’ for you too).

Specifically speaking for the former, I always thought it was a great power that’s pretty straightforward in effect, and yet somehow also leaves a lot to the imagination; Static himself is a terrific example of what all electricity can be used for past the typical “do the zappy thing”. He’s got quite the expansive skillset that all stems from utilizing his scientific knowledge to reach the fullest extent of his power — often in the heat of the moment, which is especially impressive. He really shed a lot of spotlight on the potential of electricity-based powers for me.

As for the other tales from the MSR storyline, consider me hooked. I always like to see how different writers portray pre-established characters from scratch, so I really, really commemorate the means of modernizing their tribulations to reflect a lot of the issues we still see today — mainly with power, class, and racial struggles, and how these issues have amassed in the time between the debut of these heroes and now (which is especially important in a Black narrative). It’s also an easier concept to relate to for the sheer humanity of it, so it tends to pang hearts a little harder in these newer runs.

Overall, I’m glad that no details from their respective backstories have been spared, and in some cases, even seem to have been expanded upon for the sake of making a good point. (For real, when’s Icon dropping his diss track?)


Welcome @staticshocks


Welcome @staticshocks, glad you are here!!!:zap::zap::zap::zap:


Welcome @staticshocks!!! I missed this cuz been extremely busy. My apologies. Go Milestone!!


Need. That. Figure. Right MEOW. :heart_eyes_cat:

(Thanks for the welcome, btw!)


welcome @staticshocks ! :dp_robotman: :doom_patrol_club:


Absolutely!!! Looking forward to chopping it up with ya’. I love that figure. Haven’t checked recently. But when I got it (been a while) it was way cheaper price-wise than I was expecting. It’s a great one. The stands a little tricky, but once u line it up right it’s good. I love how they put Dakota on the manhole cover. Spared no details. Glad to have you on the team. Ty for the compliments on the figure btw!!!