OFFICE HOURS VOL II: Ask DC Universe Your Questions Every Tuesday Night!

With safety protocols removed, the Holodeck could be considered a Danger Room of sorts.

Also, we know what Reg did in the Holodeck, but would he do that in a Danger Room too?

I mean, he might want to costume up, become Captain Hardass and take down a bushel of Sentinels after dealing with the Borg…or Wesley outdoing the entire Engineering team for the 1,987th time.


TBH, Dead Pirate works as well…


I never worry about the ratings, but I always want to watch the Oscars. I also try to see the nominated films before the awards, but I always seem to miss out on too many. I still haven’t seen Parasite, but mainly because it’s hard to find time to sit and watch without multi-tasking. Reading a film requires total attention, not easy to come by these days for ne since I have so much on my plate. Speaking of which, time for another shame filled plug while I’m here:


My heart is filled with the AbFab memes, I can hear them in the silence. As for the language, it just makes it all better…


I was introduced to vegetarian sushi a few years back. Only had it once, but I ate about 10 slices from the buffet. If the country can ever get back to normal, I hope to visit the buffet again for more vegetarian sushi.

To Due For was really good, been a decade or 3 since I saw it. Yes, I’m old enough I was working and saw it at the theater…


Honestly my pick for what I saw. Andra Day was absolutely robbed of the Oscar for her amazing portrayal of Billie Holiday. I still have to see Mank, but Trial was so very good. I honestly thought Judas was a great companion piece and you get so much of the story from those 2 alone…


Had a very memorable moment of shame in Body of Evidence with Madonna. I honestly thought Body was criminally underrated, but I’m such a huge Madonna fan it may cause me bias, but I think I’m right here regardless…


LOVE LOVE LOVE her!!! Even as cheesy as Warehouse 13 (why do I want to say 29?) was, CCH was an extreme standout. Her voice is also very commanding, so that helps for the animated portrayal too.

I love Oprah, but I think she is too good a person to play Waller (which seems like I’m vilifying all aforementioned actresses). Difference with her and the others is she is not the level actress of Bassett or Viola or the voice of CCH. That is not a knock on Oprah, that is a huge compliment to the other 3.

Also, wasn’t Pam Grier Waller on Smallville or am I remembering wrong while I should be sleeping?


Personally, I would suggest watching Shakespeare first, because for me, Life is Beautiful is a near perfect film.

Since you brought it up, I reviewed JSWWII on my podcast this week, but I’m not going to post the link again already. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


She’s looking pretty good there…


7th film? I only know of 5, original, Christmas, Vegas, European, and reboot…


Only if you could truly age once every 4 years. Be 40, have lived 160 regular people years…


Exactly like those. I had many, MANY hours of joy from those figures…


I miss my Megos!!! They had everybody, so you could have the ultimate crossovers. I know I had Hulk, B&R, Superman, and Spider-Man for sure…


I need to rewatch it. I was very disheartened by the complete change from what I was used to (I was a Nerd of Prey after all). I want Babs running a Charlie’s Angels type syndicate…


Because we reviewed movies about music stars, trust me, NO ONE wants to hear me sing…


Wonder Woman is (not surprising anyone) my favorite DC film. I think I might rank Shazam! #2, really like that one. Which would put Superman II at 3rd. Though anything outside of #1 is subject to change daily…


I was talking about the 7 Police Academy films.

Also, there are 6 Vacation films:

  • National Lampoon’s Vacation
  • National Lampoon’s European Vacation
  • National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
  • Vegas Vacation
  • National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation 2: Cousin Eddie’s Island Adventure
  • Vacation

Thanks! May or may not have a club submission idea cooking for when I meet the requirements.

And love camping! Do you tent camp? Or camper camp? My lady and I are actually full-time campers…Upgrading to a bus soon. It’s such a peaceful, sequestered, serene way to do things.


Sometimes that’s the best. The one you think is all wrong may surprise you, hopefully. I think how people were against Jon Cryer as Lex Luthor…