OFFICE HOURS VOL II: Ask DC Universe Your Questions Every Tuesday Night!

Looks like this Batgirl is doing a holiday report after all! But it’s on my favorite subject, so no complaining here.

Mmmm, I feel kind of spoilt for choice? I haven’t been super satisfied by any movie appearance, but I won’t shake a stick at Rosario Dawson depicting her in the Batman Lego Movie!

Absolutely Batman: The Animated Series. That’s where the love first sprouted. I remember her sitting at dinner with Dick and he says something about not using Bruce’s money anymore, and she says “Oh, a vow of poverty?” and to my little angsty brain it was just the most poignant and “stick it to the man”/tongue-in-cheek thing I’d ever heard.

I really liked what Chuck Dixon did with Barbara in Year One. This is to say nothing of her as Oracle, this is all Batgirl talk. While I do like the art in that book (especially the lettering) every gosh dang time I see a Joshua Middleton cover of Batgirl my head turns.

I don’t have the same breadth of knowledge or affinity for Stephanie Brown or Cassandra Cain, but I’m certainly open to learning more!

Mmmm, I haven’t been super satisfied with her action figures. A lot of that lithe movement gets lots in the points of articulation. That being said, McFarlane has come the closest. My favorite FIGURE all-around is this Women of the DC Universe statue, which I appreciate because she looks more mature:

I’ve also been very lucky not to have the tiny cowl and batarang break on me over the years :rofl:

I have not! Being sans a work desk and living in a studio apartment means purchases like this have taken a steep downward curve :sob:

All emojis will be rocking and rolling once I get this first test batch out. I’ll show you a wee screenshot of what I’m playing with:

Screen Shot 2020-11-24 at 6.54.54 PM Screen Shot 2020-11-24 at 6.54.48 PM Screen Shot 2020-11-24 at 6.54.43 PM

The phases I’m at right now are fixing all the ones whose backgrounds came up as white squares or squished, and replacing all the names to make sure they appear in an order that makes logical sense.

The part I’m dreading is when I have to change the names of any that have been used in our Community- painstakingly go through every post and replace them, or just… let them be broken? It’ll depend on time/bandwidth.

At any rate, once this greater picture system is put in place, we can start accepting your visual submissions for emojis more regularly. All part of the Suggestion Box remodel :slight_smile:

[quote=“Vroom, post:2053, topic:1363704, full:true”]
SN 2: Have you seen any of the new episodes of Animaniacs yet? I suspect you’ll like the anime segment.

I’ve heard really good things, but I haven’t had a chance to check it out yet! Thanks for the reminder. :flexmentallo_dp: