OFFICE HOURS: Ask DC Universe Your Questions Every (UPDATED) TUESDAY Night!


How does it hold up? I freaking love me some Jason Lee.


It might be funnier, because I no longer watch week to week, but binge…


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Hey, Wanda Sykes can do no wrong in my book! Unfortunately us humble minions in the offices of DC Universe don’t have anything to do with casting or creative direction, but hopefully someone in that realm agrees with ye!


Wow have not stopped by this thread in a while. Thank goodness for that little scroll bar! over 500 post that I would have had to go through LOL. Love the batgirl stuff. Lisa Simpson pic was hilarious also :rofl:

Hope all is good!


Ah, the kind of questions Office Hours was made for!

As of January 1st DC Universe is 100% CCPA compliant. Should you formally request a RTBF, myself or another moderator would direct you to the proper channels to wipe your data; this would also entail your viewing history and other breadcrumbs (AKA, various forms of metadata). If you or someone were to request a more informal wiping of just the comments in community, we could work that out together.


Just noticed the flag was moved, and I love it. Now I just need to quit hitting the reply button and actually hit the very easy target of the thumbs up…


Actually, yes. This is a native feature of the software that powers our forums that was lost in the customizations. We’ll have to do some design mock-ups in order to get it re-integrated, and unfortunately our current sprint is backlogged. But I will add this to the request sheet for early spring. It’s a necessary feature and your use case is a solid argument for it. Thanks for raising!


I would hunker down for a few more months. Not because DC Universe is going to be shaken up any more than it already has ne’ersarily, but as HBO Max enters its marketing phase it will continue to trigger press around “WHAT DO DC UNIVERSE DO?” which will drive people here to say “I HEARD ON THIS ONE PLACE THAT DO”, so on and so forth. I am personally waiting for early summer until we all just calm down.

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We are so lucky Daniel Day Lewis exists!!!


I just now noticing it too! Thankyou DC Mods! Much better! No more hitting flags on accident! :white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag::white_flag:


Make sure to paint over the happy little trolls. :stuck_out_tongue:


I am totally jelly of your statue collection there. One question comes to mind: Can the wheels on the Oracle statue move? :smiley:

And a legit question: I’ve noticed that we can now save whole series to our “My DC” page, which is great for me to go into when I want to try something I haven’t before, but I’m wondering if it would be at all possible to have similar options for the Storylines?


Oh my gosh Reaganfan noooo! What happened to kittens? I will have to put a strict restriction on the future number of questions I receive, or else I won’t be able to go home, eat dinner, or go to sleep and be in a good place Friday! Don’t you see the traffic out there? :sob:

deep breath Okay, here goes.

  • I’m not sure but please ask in the Suggestion Box under our feature requests! I haven’t heard this in the pipe right now. :construction_worker_woman:
  • Yes :+1:
  • Not sure :thinking:
  • I haven’t seen the amount yet, and I’m not sure if I can say :thinking:
  • No updates yet
  • I don’t see it on the schedule yet, if it isn’t digitized please submit to the Print-To-Digital topic in the Suggestion Box
  • No word on that yet, stay tuned!
  • It depends on your tastes and genre preferences and familiarity with comics, I usually ask some questions about what people like before I recommend anything. What I like isn’t necessarily what other people like!
  • Absolutely, they are quite good about posting when they’ll be doing WALs, did you see this topic?
    Profile - DCDaily - DC Community
    I’ll check in with them to see if they plan on posting this way :slight_smile:
  • They still have to go through the process of producing each of the three pilot episodes which will take quite a lot of time. I don’t think they’re scheduled the winner announcement at this time, but it won’t be for a few months at least.
  • I have, I LOVED it! It’s very mature, rated ‘R’. SUCH good action sequences! Very fun.
  • Maybe :sunglasses:
  • I haven’t heard anything about Superman merch, but stay tuned!
  • No updates yet
  • Yes, they’re still coming!
  • “Heart of Ice” makes me cry, Knight Time is just fun!
  • Too many questions means I can’t answer as thoughtfully as I like, but I guess it wasn’t as bad as I thought if you’re okay with the quick formatting answers and short responses!

Added a staff color!
I’ve been giving thought to an “official events” calendar that can live on the sidebar to highlight Mixtape Mondays, Trivia Tuesdays, Office Hours, and Friday Watch-Alongs; because it’s been a beast to manage all the events in an even, fair, meaningful way, I think this might be a good way to elevate. But you’re right, it should be bannered. I just plum forget :see_no_evil:


Well, hey…you still have the kitttens.


The thing about asking if content will be added… I can’t say before our official announcements, so you’ll be getting a lot of “no word yet!” kind of stuff. But I’ll keep at it!

There is a consideration for cons in those areas, stay tuned for announcements about our con schedules throughout the year :slight_smile: We are very committed to a lot more live events this year, and are super excited about our Birds of Prey advanced screenings for members!


Thankyou, and I promise no more many question like that.:slightly_smiling_face:


Hi Bullcan, they are! We actually have a ton we’re working on right now to accommodate our upcoming Meta Madhouse campaign. Do you have a request?


That reminds me: I was going to ask you if you were the one who ate my lunch. It was labeled in the fridge, 'Jack!