OFFICE HOURS: Ask DC Universe Your Questions Every (UPDATED) TUESDAY Night!


HAPPY HALLOWEEEEEEEEN!! Can’t recommend Tales From The Crypt highly enough!


Yeah, speculation is a thing. You’ll find out more in the near future about Stargirl and DC Universe (which is happening).


I see Batman #58 slated for November 11th, so less than 2 weeks!


You TELL 'Em Commonly Asked Questions Guy!


This was a week for them, and I never mind!


Whoo! That was good one, err’one. I’ll stick around a bit longer if there are any more lingering questions. Totally fine if they require in-depth answers, I’m warmed up now.


You see? I knew people were overreacting ! I’m going to…wait, I said that already. Never mind.


Have you gotten to watch much Harley Quinn yet?


YEAH! It’s really freaking good. But you have to be really okay with swearing and cartoon violence; it’s real. I’m very excited for you to see if, if that is your bag.


starts sneaking backwards

Well folks…Thank you so much for your questions as always- and for keeping us sharp, and honest!

Episode “What’s Cookin” from Tales From the Crypt starts playing in background"

Next week will be the last Office Hours till the end of November, your ol’ pal Applejack is going on a wee vacation. But I will be back and better than ever upon my return! So if you have questions you’ve been holding onto, now’s the time to get 'em in!

In the meantime, I highly recommend closing out the Halloween season with one of my favorites:


Goodnight, kiddies!


I didn’t dress up this year, but I have worn Scooby Doo shirts, a Family Guy shirt with Stewie in his duck costume, and I’m wearing an Amityville Horror (Reynolds remake) shirt today.

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Tales would be a perfect programming choice for Halloween if we ever get that live stream. As for the :jack_o_lantern:., I’ll look up unlicensed but definitely think DC is missing a gold mine there. A whole series of Halloween decorations would have to be big sellers. Look forward to next week and hope you have a great vacation!!!

That might be a fireable offense


Thanks as always.

Your time to answer the plethora of questions is always much appreciated.

And I’m sure you’ve already deduced that while I may, on rare occasion shut up…it’s never for long. Sometimes measurable only in picoseconds. :sunglasses:


Understood. I’ll pack my things.


Hiya AJ, missed last night’s OH, so sad, but some great conversation was done! No questions from me, I just wanted to thank you for doing this and especially for Community Week and most of all that Q&A with Marguerite Bennett, which was probably the highlight of my year! I’ve never been to a con or anything so getting the opportunity to chat directly with one of my favorite creators, and have her like my posts and actually physically reply with her actual human hands, was astonishingly fun and memorable! It’s a seemingly small thing but the opportunity was so appreciated! :purple_heart:


Hi @Applejack! I just wanna send support and thanks for doing what you do here in office hours, as someone who can not even come close to handling a customer service job, I appreciate your patience with fans. It seems there have been rumors of DC Universe dying since before it even launched, and every time something changes it gets worse. But you’ve always been so patient and kind to every question that I have seen, so keep up the good fight! :batman_hv_1: :batman_hv_5:


I don’t have anything to add at this time as far as questions are concerned, so I’ll say this:

A. The Lord of The Rings is amazing (in book and film form), as are good references to it, which are abundant on DCU and in particular, this thread. I bet the Rohirrim would gladly ride alongside DCU. “Forth Eorlingas!” indeed.
2. Tales from The Crypt is great.
C. The talk of more catalog animated DC TV shows potentially coming to the service has me excited (especially if The Adventures of Batman is part of that talk).

Upon reflection, I guess I do have a question for you @Applejack, but its not DC related, more so of the EC flavor: Have you seen the Tales from The Cryptkeeper TV show and if so, what’d you think? I believe it originally aired on CBS right around when WildC.A.T.S did. By the diddlyby, have I mentioned how great of a fit WildC.A.T.S would be for DCU? I don’t think I have. :wink:


Hmmm…I have some questions:

  1. Where are you going on vacation?
  2. Can we all come?
  3. If not, can @Vroom be in charge while you’re out?

@ralphsix If I’m temporarily in charge of the DCU grounds, I’m running a tight ship. I mean it, tight. Examples being:

●Parties can only go until 5am (21+ only; sorry kids, it’s an insurance thing).
●Once the whip cream cannon is exhausted, that’s it until the next hour rolls around.
●Raves go until 8am (again, 21+ only and yes, there will be accompanying laser shows, along with trance/house remixes of notable DC themes).
●The guy that plays Lucifer will serve as the entertainment MC.
●Jim Lee parks his car wherever he wants.
●Jim Fletcher of DC Collectibles will easily win the Best Dressed award, and he too can park where he wants.
●Dan DiDio is welcome to discuss his days at Mainframe Entertainment, for those of us interested.
●Misty Lee will be performing magic.
●Paul Dini and Bruce Timm will be hosting DC Story Time, where they regale us with tales of their tenures in assorted DC media.
●Toga parties must utilize DC themed sheets.
●DC themed arcade cabinets are set to Free Play.
●Anyone swinging over the veranda that wants to do a Tarzan yell is free to do so, since Tarzan had a DC series in the '70’s.
●If you walk past a room where the door is shut, and you hear the sound of springs creaking, just keep on walking please.
●If you’re in the DCU swimming pool, you have to play Aquaman and/or Sea Devils at some point. DC themed swimwear only please.
●There will be viewing parties for assorted DC movies and TV shows (you best believe there will be a room entitled “Filmation Fans” :slightly_smiling_face: ).
●Pizza parties run all night long (word has it some joint in Burbank has pizza made by VERY nice people, so they could cater for us).
●If you smelt it, then you quite possibly dealt it.
●If you denied it, then you quite possibly supplied it.
●If you summon the occult, be aware that a John Constantine is not the John Constantine. Summon at your own peril, Meryl.
●DC cosplay is absolutely welcome.
●DC karaoke is welcome too.
●Be excellent to each other, and (to quote the great Abraham Lincoln) “Party on, dudes!”

See? I run a tight ship, and the above is just the first night.