OFFICE HOURS: Ask DC Universe Your Questions Every (UPDATED) TUESDAY Night!


You know when a sentence starts with “Okay”, we’re about to dig deep. Let’s do this thing!

Yes, I can agree with this.

Like an index, I’m following. Neat.

I got a tiny bit lost here. Let’s call “First Post” Index Post. The comments of this post would be only links to other characters, is that right? AKA, don’t post random conversation. I think I got it once I started typing it out.

Is there a reason you wouldn’t want to have all the individual topics in the main post, a la Stories For Hope? If it’s the edit window restriction, one could Wiki/Un-Wiki as needed to edit.

With that being said, I will confess that managing those topics over time become unwieldy given the length of links. I’m sure @Mae can attest to this from her BoP topic.

I have no super strong opinion either way, but as a user I lean towards having them all in the main post; seems easier for at-a-glance browsing.

:heart_eyes: :star_struck: :partying_face:

That’s very cool! I can see this approach being very friendly, and a great solution to our “OP Topic becomes unwieldy with too many characters”.

I hope you’ve appreciated all my unsolicited feedback on 1-6.
Now, we COULD link to this, and would! My noodling becomes: “Do we convert all What Green Lantern stories should I read?” into DMs, then direct them to the database the journo and the dinosaur hunter have created?

In the event someone requests a more nuanced take on GL stories “Where can I find all the Jessica Cruz GL stories?” “What GL stories do you recommend for Mogo appearances?” etc., would you want to see those redirected, as well?

I do see the joy in having this resource- my challenge is assigning the custodian of this work. I don’t want to assume you and Turok are volunteering, but if that WAS happening, I would be incredibly grateful.

I know it sounds bonkers that the moderation team couldn’t devote themselves to building this database. But even with matters like updating our Official Wallpaper topic, I’ve come to understand these sort of ongoing projects are hard to maintain amidst the popcorn fun we navigate. Not impossible, but it would go in the “would be nice” pile, if that makes sense.