Obscurity of DC Presents: Month of Obscurity, Month 18 (September) --- BREACH!

Heya @ObscurityofDCClub and other members of the DC Community! Welcome to the eighteenth MONTH OF OBSCURITY! For the month of September, we will be focusing on…

Age Suggestion: 12+

Number of Issues: 11

Description taken from dc.com: At heart Major Tim Zanetti is just a man torn between conscience and duty. But nothing could have prepared him to lose decades from his life and most of his humanity. Now the man known as Breach has awakened, and the world is definitely not ready for him or the threat he represents!

With that out of the way, here are some discussion questions:

  1. Since his debut, Breach has been frequently compared to Captain Atom, even being made his Earth-Eight counterpart. What similarities and differences did you notice between the two heroes?
  2. Each issue starts with an internal monologue made by Major Zanetti. What insight do we gain from these short panels, and why do you think they’re so important?
  3. Like all heroes, Breach holds himself to a very ethical standard. However, he tends to act very cold towards the people he used to care about. Why do you think that is?
  4. Some of the covers of the series have some very intriguing questions, such as “Savior or Destroyer?” and “Hero or Villain?” Do you see Breach more as a hero or villain? Which of these titles do you think Breach finds himself to be?
  5. Why do you think the series started at the same point as the end of the series? Did it grant a satisfying ending? Explain.

Do you have an interest in exploring the unknown? Do you like discussing comics? Do you like pineapple on pizza? If so, Obscurity of DC is the club for you! Join HERE if you’re interested!