Obscurity of DC Presents: Blue Beetle LAL, Week 1 (Drug Ring/Sabotage Liquidation)

Shows loved their stereotypical Irish newspaper employees back then. Same time of guy was in the Green Hornet.

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machine guns, run!!!

Jesus! What a shootout on city streets. Not one scream from anyone else on the streets, either.

Getting a ‘scoop’ or a ‘great story’ was like Viagara for these characters.

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Dan Garrett is dead? This was a short episode!

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so that’s why Ted took over!


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“Tune in next week as Jamie Reyes becomes…the BLUE BEETLE!”

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“We can put some of my daughter’s blood into the rabbit, too. We’ll see what’s what!”

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ah yes a super-potion. grab one at your local walmart!

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This doctor is selling Snake Oil! Take this elixir and not only will you recover from your bullet wound to the abdomen but your hair will grow back, your eyesight will improve and your gout will disappear!

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WWI! Wonder Woman guest appearance?

“Hey, Doc…what was in that elixir?!? Why wouldn’t you make enough to give it to everyone at the hospital!?!”

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that’s a fair point…

woah this is… lit

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“The doctor walks out of the hospital listening to the bellows of the infirmed, passing the mourning families, and heads home to sleep like a baby…”

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Stolen! Not the Sho-Sho!

The Blue Beetle breaks into this dudes shop, snaps some photos and threatens him to keep quiet. Quite the hero.

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gotta love blackmail!

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Now he’s roughing up a reporter. Who’s the REAL dope?

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Good lord! You know how hard that would be? Taking a photo of fingerprints and then going to a file of fingerprints and finding a match?

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does he always talk in the third-person?

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