Next issue issue

I’ve started noticing that if there is a next issue, I have to either open it or shut down the app. I can’t just X out of reading the next issue. This is especially bothersome when I’ve read the newest issue of a series, and it has a TPB of issues listed as next. I’ve already read these as single issues.


Huh, that’s very interesting. I’m sorry you’re experiencing that, it doesn’t sound fun. If you’re using the mobile app, have you tried clearing the app cache/data → uninstalling the app → restarting your device → reinstalling the app to see if the issue goes away?

If the issue persists afterwards, I’d recommend reporting this to our support team, giving them your device details like operating system and model, and letting them know you’ve already uninstalled and reinstalled the app. You can submit a support ticket here.

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I’m having the same issue. I am running the newest version of the app on iPadOS on an iPad (6th generation). When you finish an issue (e.g. swipe past the last page of a book) it opens a different page than the previous versions did. This page gives you the option to open the next issue of the series or another series in the “You May Also Like…” section. There is no way to close this page and return to the issue you were reading or go back to the list I was going through. I usually just open the next issue and close it or try to keep an eye on the page count and exit the issue without swiping past the last page to avoid the page. Very frustrating interface change.


Same issue. Newest version on iPad. Here’s a picture. The only option is to read the next issue or just kill the app. No way to close out or go to library.

Super annoying when the linking is wrong. Single issues linked to trades that I’ve already read, etc.

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