Need Advice on Mandatory Reading to Catch Up

I read a ridiculous amount of the new 52 all the way until the end and read basically enough of rebirth in the beginning to equal out to one or two graphic novels of what I’d consider the main books. I’ve fallen off since then and I’m trying to pick back up and figure out what would be mandatory reading for me to catch back up. I read the button story arc and I’m starting to read Batman Metal currently.

No Justice for sure, that sets up the new teams and helps lead into Year of the Villains, which is also an important story line. And leads right into the new Death Metal series.

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It’s not on here just yet, but Tynion’s run on Batman is awesome so far. As for the more recent stuff on here, I really like Bendis’ reboot of Young Justice. If you like a good detective story, the first few issues of Event Leviathan are on here. The majority of Doomsday Clock is on here as well, if you like big Crisis. I’d say that about covers it for the more recent stuff.

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Awesome that’s where I’ll start thank you!