Moro’s Corner

Re: Justice League Action

Rao yes, searching for those on eBay was a pain at times, back when the line (which encompassed figures in the 2, 4 and 12-inch scales) was at retail. :joy:

If you want help with that line, LMK as I’d be glad to lend a hand.

As Alfred said in Batman Begins, “In a way.”

The Kenner/Hasbro JLA line largely consisted of repainted and retooled Total Justice figures, with there being a very small percentage of new tooling in the line, too.

I consider JLA as a follow-up to Total Justice, rather than being a distinct part of “Super Powers, '90s-style”, as they are two thematically similar, yet distinctly different, lines.

Again, if you want assistance on either, LMK and I’ll be happy to ramble on for ya! :point_up:t2: :nerd_face:


Time for a minor update.

Got a few new McFarlane figures that caused some reorganizing. Also needed to clear a top shelf for a large-ish statue. I pre-ordered it early last year, and thought it would ship this month, only to discover that it’s delayed again. Oh well, space is cleared for it when it arrives.

Superman rogues gallery shaping up.

Got the Anti-Crisis Wonder Woman, and decided to make a little Death Metal display out of variations of the Trinity.
The back of the shelf with the Harleys in between the armored Trinity is my daughter’s idea.

Nothing new on this one, or a theme even, just kind of a random hangout :joy:

Got the McFarlane designed Wonder Woman variant and using her as my JL Wondy. Also decided I like Three Jokers Batman more than Rebirth Batman, so I swapped ‘em. Three Joker’s Bats is so tall I had to bend the figure at the knees a bit so he doesn’t tower over the rest of the league.

Here’s a closeup of the Wonder Woman variant.

Caved and got Ultraman. The Starro BAF is what pushed me over the edge. He sits alone for now.

Also got this from the claw machine during a visit to the arcade with the girls.


Collection is building out fantastically @moro. :+1:


Lineup looks great, as always.

Did not know about thus. Time to go shopping!


Good luck. It’s a Walmart exclusive that seems to have sold out rather quickly.

I found out about it after it sold out, and couldn’t find it in stores. Ended up buying on ebay; markup wasn’t too bad.




Rad stuff, good sir.

I’m going to open my Anti-Crisis Wonder Woman soon (so as to make space on the wall for the Gold Label WW), and I might group her as you have your’s. Decisions, decisions…

She’ll be around (hopefully :wink:). I know someone in CA who found several of her at a few different stores in the last day or two.

Regarding new and recent Walmart exclusives, the AC WW and Rebirth Wally West are quite easy to find, so I’m sure GL Diana will be an easy find too (again, hopefully :wink:).


Thank you :pray:.

My plan was to put the gold Wonder Woman next to the Platinum Superman, but the latter is still in my BBTS pile of loot (that Endless Winter Wonder Woman refuses to come in stock there, ugh).

Guess it depends on your store. If you normally find stuff in yours, then odds are you’ll see her. I have yet to spot any of the exclusives in my Walmart.



That’s a shame, mon frere. Truly.

Speaking of WM exclusives, I haven’t seen the Gold Label Catwoman yet, but as I don’t want her, I’m not going out of my way to find her either, so I guess it all evens out. :slight_smile:

type or paste code here

Been 3 months since the last update. Was gonna take a video, but the kids have turned the loft into a play area (as they should), so the room was not exactly presentable when I took these pictures.

The Mcfarlane JL shelf is now dedicated to McFarlane comics based DC “good guys”. The plan here is to place new pieces on the risers in the back. Booster Gold and Blue Beetle will have a home when they arrive, along with whatever other comics figures Toddfather has in store for us in the near future. Three Jokers Batman was replaced by the Year Two Batman (was in the mood for the classic blue & gray). Having the interchangeable fabric and big crazy plastic cape for Year Two Batman is a cool feature. Crazy cape stowed away with the base.

Changed things up a bit on the desk. The big Superman shall never move. To the left however, the Trinity statue was replaced with the Tweeterhead Superman:

Yeah I didn’t know what to do with the little Imaginext figures. Doesn’t feel like they “go” there; will figure something out.
To the right of the big Superman, the DC Collectibles Designer Series Trinity remain in place, with a tiny little addition :slightly_smiling_face::

I now have a villain shelf. Need risers for the back row. Not sure how Starro is gonna fit once completed (you can spot a piece of him in the back). May move ‘em all to a bigger empty shelf, but they live here for now.

And a Batman shelf. I placed quite a few Batman figures in the storage box, but felt like these needed to stay on display. Not sure if this will stay “strictly Batman”. Future acquisitions will dictate, I suppose.

Minor updates to the Superman cabinet:

Father & son Superman make an appearance now, along with the black suited Supes from Jurgens’ Lois & Clark. Need to replace the battery on that left light.

I think the only additions here are the Mattel New 52 Superman in the front row (first on the right), and the McFarlane “Platinum” unpainted gray Superman in the middle row.

Here the only addition is the Mattel Injustice Superman, dead center. Somehow I feel the Injustice designs mesh well with the crazy armored stuff from the 90s.

The ZSJL moved from their previous spot to be part of a DCEU shelf. Black Adam and Hawkman are the newest additions (both great figures). Had to have Harley with her egg sandwich next to these guys.

A lot of what was on this shelf got the axe. Room for more stuffs. Think the Joker Dragon is new from last update.

Waiting on another He-Man, maybe two, and a carded Super Powers Superman. Will probably take my Masterpiece Optimus Prime out of the storage box and display here as well. An 80s childhood shelf in the making.

With the rearrangement, this is my daughter’s favorite spot in the room right now. The only new pieces here are the little McFarlane Super Powers figures, which are going to end up needing a shelf of their own as that collection grows. Speaking of new Super Powers, here’s the vehicles:

The little circle things are drawer knobs I haven’t installed yet.

Some pieces relocated or stowed away from this spot to make room for the Batman Hush two-pack. Mostly a “World’s Finest” area, with the exception of Mego Diana.

Added some wall art:

The only spots untouched in the room:

Super Powers


The cabinet where it all started.

Whew :sweat_smile:!

If you made it this far, it means I haven’t bored you to death, and for that I am very grateful. I hope you find some enjoyment out of these little updates. I know I enjoy sharing them with my DC family.

Time to hit the hay. Have a good night, everyone :slightly_smiling_face:.


Thanks for sharing, that’s an amazing collection.


In the words of TV’s Eddie Haskell, “Beautiful, beautiful!”

You’ve a very, very cool set-up, mon frere. :metal:t2:


Thank you for the kind words and for checking it out :slightly_smiling_face:.


Thank you Vroomy. Probably pales compared to what you got displayed :slightly_smiling_face:. It’s a continuous work in progress; still some spots I need to free up and stuff that needs to be better positioned. You know how it is.

Forgot to mention that this recent rearrangement made me realize a few things:

  • Superman reigns supreme in my collection; that much I knew, but I didn’t realize how many random Batman figures I have. Need indulge less in McFarlane’s Batman releases.

  • Wonder Woman may be a bit underrepresented.

  • Future statue collecting may be problematic, especially the bigger pieces (of which I don’t have too many anyway). Not just because of money, but also because of space. May just stick to the occasional new Superman piece in that department.

  • I need to be choosier going forward, generally speaking. With McFarlane having multiple lines of DC figures & statues, I just don’t have the room display everything I would like to display.


That’s a certainty that will always be true. No matter how satisfied I am when I rearrange things, I always think “I bet it could be better.”

But…after spending hours moving stuff about, I usually find something I’m satisfied to some degree with and say “I’m happy with it.”

Excellent mentality! Pick up what you want, not what you feel you need. Unless what you want is also what you need, then go nuts! :superman_hv_4:


Both the scope of you collection and your curation of it are absolutely amazing.


Thank you :pray:


This is a cardinal sin in my book! :laughing:

Love the room and arrangement, as always. I know how difficult it is to balance getting new pieces and arranging old ones, but it is a good problem to have. I find over time I just get better at finding ways to fit more things in the same space.


This is very true. I did some of that this time around. However, I also got better at realizing what wouldn’t bother me if I didn’t see on the shelf. In this case it was a dozen or so McFarlane figures:

  • The first McFarlane designed Wonder Woman.
  • The Suicide Squad Harley.
  • ZSJL Cyborg variant with the face shield.
  • Dark Nights Metal Batman
  • Jokerized Superman
  • The Crime Syndicate trinity (Ultraman, Owlman, and Superwoman).
  • New 52 Martian Manhunter
  • Anti-Crisis Wonder Woman
  • Rebirth Batman
  • The Batman movie BM
  • Endless Winter Wonder Woman

Some of those choices were very easy to make, and some were hard. At the end of the day, taking a figure out of a storage box to redisplay is easy enough :slightly_smiling_face:.