Meta-Madhouse Player Villain Titles

Hello everyone. With the Meta-Madhouse in its semi-final bout, I decided to break down the number of points in the tournament and how they were earned as followed after consulting with Brainiac. :sweat_smile: :nerd_face:

I also broke down some of the percentages for the points earned as followed.

My question is, what villain title fits with describing those that fall into these percentage breakdowns?

For those in the 50 percentile and below, I was thinking of them being considered as “unlawful citizens.”
They are not afraid to jay walk or tell their parents they’ll be home at 11 but actually show up at midnight. :astonished:

For those in the 40 percentile, I was thinking of them being considered as “shady henchmen.”
Local citizens are sure to walk the other way if they see them, but they are easily dispatched by a hero without breaking a sweat. :grimacing:

For those in the 30 percentile, I was thinking of them being considered as “big bads.”
They cause trouble for our heroes for a season, but our heroes find a way to defeat them in the end. :sunglasses:

For those in the 20 percentile, I was thinking of them being considered as “vile villains.”
They commit crimes that might keep you up at night and feel great once they are either locked up back in Arkham Asylum, or Blackgate for 20 to life… Well, until they break out once more. :flushed: :oncoming_police_car: :no_good_man: :no_good_woman:

And finally, for those that get into the top 10 percentile, I was thinking of them being considered as “nefarious evil doers.”
These think the actions of the Joker in The Killing Joke is a work of art and give a standing ovation to Reverse Flash for killing Barry’s mother. :smiling_imp: :scream: :speak_no_evil:

If these are good or if there are any other suggestions feel free to let me know! It’s going to be a very interesting conclusion of the tournament for sure and good luck to those that have played along! :flash_hv_1: :batman_hv_3: :catwoman_hv_3: :superman_hv_4:

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