MASTER TOPIC: New Community(3.0) Questions, Feedback & Suggestions

Thank you so much! The issue I am currently facing is that when reading comics on the dc universe infinite website, every few pages it cuts to a black screen and takes a second (or longer, sometimes) to go back to normal. Sometimes panels are out of order, and it also takes a little bit to go back to normal in addition to the frequent black screens. Very annoying to deal with while reading. Thank you so much! @LastSon0fMars
Well, off to bed for now, any help would be appreciated


The effort itā€™s currently taking me not to prank the hell out of you (and say that you forgot to blur your info) is damn-near overwhelming lol


Sorry Iā€™m late on this - usually clearing browser cache will fix these types of issues. Can you let me know if youā€™re still having the issue and try the fix I mentioned to see if that works?


Hey there, Iā€™m sorry that Iā€™m just now getting to this. The black screen youā€™re describing sounds a bit like lagā€¦ maybe itā€™s just taking your internet connection a second to download the images? Can you try using a different connection to test it out? Alternatively, it could be the device youā€™re using (or maybe the DCUI servers were being wonky at the time you posted this).

As for the out of order panels, that sounds like an error within DCUI. You can report those to our MASTER TOPIC: DCUI - Submit All Comic Book Errors HERE! topic so we can add them to our list of comics that need to be checked out and fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Any other issues I can help with? Just let me know! :slight_smile:


Itā€™s fixed now

  • sigh * so I have the " Hero" badge, but I am unable to access anything. Was it supposed to be accessible automatically or do I have to enter the passphrase?

also if i have to enter the passphrase can someone link me a link that will actually take me to the first panel of our 7th page of Doomsday Clock (2017-) #6 so i can find it for myself. ty. I have been trying to find that link, or find that page online and for the life of me i cant.


Hey there Corpsmember, I believe I fixed the issue ā€” can you please confirm for me that you currently have full access to the IBL, as well as posting permissions?


Many Thanks!
It is fixed and my headache with not being able to get in is now over.


Happy to hear that! Please feel free to reach out if you need anything else.


Speaking of Iceberg Lounge, How long does the Bouncer take to reply and will I be told if I use the wrong password or just not hear anything? I had access for about three weks a while back and apparently havenā€™t meet the requirements again. I sent what I thought was the password and am waiting to see if I was right.

Please move to an appropriate area if this is not a good place for this question.


The Iceberg Lounge Bouncer account is checked/replied to every single weekday, barring weekends where the admin may be offline. That is why the bouncer is one of two ways to gain entrance to the lounge; mods are available every day of the week to assist you with your clearance level stats so you know how far off you are from gaining access on your own.

Yes, you will be told if the password is incorrect, and given a helpful hint.


Thanks. The password worked.


Not sure if this is the right place, but Iā€™ll ask.

Iā€™ve seen a few threads that reference a DC Encyclopedia, where members can submit trivia about characters.

Is this a section of the forum that Iā€™m not seeing?


Hi @cellardweller115! :wave: DC Encyclopedia was a former feature of DCUI - it may return in the future, but you can find some parts as character biographies on


Thank you!


The last few days I have noticed on my phone whenever I click one of my notifications and go into a thread, the notification bar errors on me. I have to navigate back to one of the main forum threads (General Discussion, Iceberg Lounge, etc) in order to open up my notifications again. It does the same thing with personal messages too.

It is just on my phone (Android, running Chrome browser) and not my laptop which also is running a Chrome browser.

I wasnā€™t sure if I was the only one with this issue so I didnā€™t know if I should drop a support ticket or not.


Thanks for the report. Can you make sure Chrome on your phone is updated? Also clearing cache/cookies may fix the issue if your app is already up to date


Looks like I am running the latest version of Chrome.


I wanted to look at a positive side on DC Universe Infinite, While Iā€™ve been playing old or new games on on console, or on tablet, the games do crash which is annoying.
When coming to DC Universe Infinite app just to read comics, it doesnā€™t crash, as far as I know thankfully.
Sure loading may take time or get annoying butler, beside that no crashes. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @Row.Harper, Iā€™m sorry to hear youā€™re experiencing this issue! If you have tried clearing your cache and cookies and are still encountering the problem, please reach out to our technical support team here:

They will be able to help you further. Thanks for your understanding! :slight_smile:

Hi @Reaganfan78, thank you for the feedback! If you encounter abnormally long load times or the Butler glitch repeatedly, please donā€™t hesitate to reach out to our technical support team so they can take a look at your account and help you further. You can reach them here: :slight_smile: