"Look What I Just Got" Thread (Part 2)

I need to go to Target. I really want this!


Neat! Do you think he’s worth $29.99?

An explosive Henry Rollins performance and then some.

Heads-up that these are also coming in Spin Master’s 12-inch BB oeuvre:

That one :point_up:t2: has lights and sounds, BTW.

Carapax is in-stock at Amazon right now, while the electronic BB is currently OOS (unless you want to pay $27+ for him from Amazon UK).


:man_shrugging: Well, you know, I wouldn’t say no to any figures I want being cheaper. That said, I’m pretty happy with Action #1 Supes as he is, and like him much better in person than I did from the initial promo photos. Also, he’s currently sold out on the McFarlane Store, so I suppose I was lucky to get him. I guess the answer to your question would be yes.


Tip-top Tuesday pick-ups from Walmart:

My store had a ton of the above smooshed in amongst other new Lego polybags (Ninjago and Dreamz something-or-other).

They’ll be incredibly easy to find in-store, so unless you have no Walmarts anywhere remotely near you (Resplendent @DC89 I can mentally will one to you, Observer-style. :magic_wand:), you should absolutely check out your stores as they will likely be plentiful for a long time to come.

Just say “No!” (and/or “Get bent.”, “**** you.” or any other number of choice replies) to scalpers.

From the same Wally Mart:

I caved and shelled out 15 bones for it. My print collection of Superman 85th anniversary mags is complete…until the next one pops-up out of the blue, that is. :smile:

As long as you’re happy with him, he’s worth the scratch/lettuce/dough/bread/chips/etc.

I’m getting the bundle around the end of the month (maybe next week), so for $25 and change there, I’m expecting to be hap-hap-happy with him.

SN: If I get the Platinum Edition in my bundle, I’ll really be happy with him.


Is there a chance of that from a bundle purchase?


Could be, as Platinums can arrive at random.

When Lobo came out and showed up on my doorstep from Amazon, I thought it was the regular edition, but to my surprise, it was the Platinum Edition.

Target had the goods on the non-PE Lobo though, to which I said “Thanks, Clyde.” after I found him there.


Hmm… good to know!


Just another Wednesday!
I got up a little early because my Mom had a Doctor’s appointment and while I wasn’t going along, The fact that my folks were up and about got my dog all excited so I had to walk her when they left.
Why am I telling you all this? It’s just set-up!
So I have a few hours to kill before the comic shop opens. I buy pretty much all my current books on digital so I’m mostly just going for the back issues.
Nothing good there, and no figures worth drooling after so on to Target. (Rt. 9 Manalapan, NJ)
At first a normal day. A few figures I already have surrounded by a whole bunch I have no interest in!
As I get ready to head to my next stop I spot a couple of McFarlane Multiverse figures in the wrong aisle. We’ll call it the aisle of misplaced toys! Hundreds of things from the other aisles that were found asked for and rejected by parents due to cost, lack of educational value, etc….
One of the McFarlanes is a Kon-El Superboy!
And the other?
The Dumb-Luck find of the year!
The McFarlane Multiverse
Mister Freeze
Super Powers Repaint variant!!!

It doesn’t have the Platinum Edition sticker on the box but it’s also not a clumsy repaint.
(At least, not as far as I can see.)


This is cute! Cool find.



Target seems to be the new go-to for that one, as I’ve seen YouTube hunts and other online reports of him showing up there.

Thank you.

I’ve been buying Lego Batmen since 2006 and as far as I can remember, the above is the first to have a plastic cape (at least, it looks that way on the bag; I haven’t built him yet), which is a nice touch for Lego figures and one I hope we see more of in the future.


Hmm it seems as if he’s been re-sealed!

Additionally, there only seems to be a single strap holding him into tha vac-molded plastic.

On the other hand there don’t seem to be any holes in the plastic to account for arm or leg straps.

Just one for the figure and one for his freeze gun!

This is a mystery worthy of Ralph Dibny!


Huh… that Target near you seems a bit dodgy since this isn’t the first time you’ve come back from it with a “mystery figure,” right?


Not necessarily. I’ve come across many Multiverse figures where the tape/seal has that bubble in it.

Its likely just how it was placed onto the box in the factory and/or could be the result of exposure to the elements as it was packed, while it was in-transit or sitting in your Target’s stockroom waiting to be stocked.

These things happen.

That happens, as every Multiverse figure doesn’t follow the exact same “strap guideline”.

Seen it on plenty of figures. You’re fine. :slight_smile:

Just don’t tell Dr. Light, am I right?

What, too soon?

“Too soon.” my foot! It was 19 years ago. We’ve had so many Crises since then that Identity Crisis has long since become old news.


Different Target. The Mashup figure in the Superboy box was at the Howell, n j location about ten miles away from this one. But you’re not wrong. Still, since I seem to be benefitting from these occurrences, I can’t really complain too much!


If you didn’t care about paying for shipping you can still pre-order him from GS. I believe the pre-orders from Target are also sold-out. But since GS has him, perhaps people can also pre-order from WalMart?

Picking up from the last thread, I mentioned (but hadn’t photographed) my MTS 85th SDCC Superman came in the mail before @moro posted his pictures but mine remains and is going to stay in this condition:

Yes, I do have buyer’s remorse about the $38. And there are still nearly 100 people trying to sell this puppy on the secondary market and only one has a bid above $58, with most being barely above $40 and two that are under the $39.99 paid (which I presume if those people actually got it at SDCC is what they paid).

Here are my problem Ed McGuinness figures that arrived with damages:

I assume that the Bruce that came (the one on the left with the Black and Grey) is the original series 1 or the two-box, because the Superman he came with is not the metallic paint job one seen here (also on the left):

As you can see, my two original figures, which were the ones that had loose joints which I have still have not tried to fix as suggested by @TheTerrificToyman, other than having the stands to help articulate them while posing, which really does work, and also had the scuff marks. So the articulation you see on the “new” figures that just arrived (where I can’t even really raise their arms over the shoulders, and can’t even raise them away from their torso on others).

The Batman that I originally got, notwithstanding his lose joints, and he was the worse can at least be articulated with a stand, but the ‘new’ one articulates just as well save his should joints are lose and that’s as far as his arms go up:

This lot of McGuinness which arrived has no scuff or mars on any surfaces, save for the Zoom, on his back and most wiped away save for some on his rear end which you cannot really see on this photo) and of course Barry’s ear piece broke off and sadly the seller did not find it:

I have no idea how I am going to FIX THIS problem:

And I just spent my BARRY related budget on that DC Icon’s Flash and am also getting a steal on the Koto New 52 Flash, which I was able to buy loose but in mint condition with the stand for $30 (with the shipping).

So if anyone has suggestions on fixing his left side bolt, I’m all EARS!

If y’all remember, both the Terry and Dick had their right arm fall off and the joint actually broke and the seller had been glueing (cheap knock-off Gorilla Glue) them repeatedly back to simply keep them displayed:

All I had to do was use some adhesive poster tape, which was cut to the circular shape of where the joint broke and then press them together and hold it for a few to get the articulation you see (above ^) on Dick.

I’m sure if poster adhesive double sided tape works that well, that the “putty” version will work better, but I don’t know if that’s an ideal solution since I believe this set me back $6-7 at Target for a package similar in quantity to this:

And I know from the museum putty I bought, which was not inexpensive, and have had to reapply and got minimal reuse from, I would keep having to resupply this.

^ this Batzarro also has the same stiffness problem that made me think his arm was also glued by the seller claimed not, that it was just stiff, so I guess this means I have to buy that penetrating joint spray from Crapazom that @TheTerrificToyman recommended which means I’ll soon sadly be forced to brave Bezolandia. Although I don’t really need him in a flight pose, Bruce has the same problems, and I do want to do some Kama Sutra flight carry dioramas with Clark flying with Bruce.

The Biz also has the same problem, which also responded to double sided poster adhesive tape:

The other Bizarro is the figure I bought from a seller a few months back who didn’t have a stand or the necklace (BIZ #1) shown in the sale photo:

And I have a new, in card (albeit mildly foxed/not mint) version, and will definitely be selling that:

Since I only bought the card version for the stand and for the necklace and while I might keep two, I certainly don’t need three since I’m not a ‘one in the package’ person. The things I have that are still in the package it’s because I might return it to the store or I haven’t had the space, and now a few that I will be selling.

The lot also included a second one of these and for the long term, I’m keeping him. I wish the shield was a detachable one, as MTS has been doing by and large, and not a painted on one so I could have a kit bash Superman, but for now they exist to be used in dioramas to stand, glower and frown on Bruce for being a Effed Up Constipated Hero who is mean to Dick (and I guess now Terry?)

The new one is, again, on the left and he has the same stiffness issues. As you can see, the one I also bought loose articulates fully and can be put in flight mode but the ‘new’ one has arms that will only go up that far. Not even full shoulder height extensions are possible.

In fact, I’m going to end up with three Supermen with this shield because I just won an unexpected auction for the 2017 Mattel Kingdom Come seen here, which is the non-McGuiness one I prefer and I had forgotten I had bid on this ten days ago. And it didn’t occur to me before yesterday to retract my bid until the auction closed.

I like the face and build on this one but he’s far too valuable as is to kit bash into something else. I might use tempera paint once I test how washable it is on another figure I don’t care about, versus acrylic paint if I do end up doing anything kit-bash wise with him, and it would just be his shield and his hair.

Unfortunately, even with this spare Supes (who does also have that super glued right arm) but at least I can put him in flight mode as far as the rest of joints, its not as ideal as the older one (which has paint problems on his hair, uniform and his legs (the one of the right, last picture).

But I still need another one, probably the metallic since I want to paint his skin and hair although I could use the one on the right and then just simply replace him with whatever is available?

      • So this is my sad tale of addiction of Ed McGuinness. I clearly need a support group.

There’s still the Kryptonite Batman, which I have to decide whether or not to get because he’s expensive with postage for what he is, the Captain Marvel which I am definitely buying once I see him under $18 or less, the Captain Atom that comes with these, THIS Kyle Rayner which is part of the JLA Classified line but I think was made by the same sculpture since it’s the same body? so I’ve decided he counts:

And I just got an offer for $15 (which included free shipping!!!) accepted for the Superman coming out of the Shazzy outfit as a loose figure (no stand) from a toy store in Delaware.

EDIT: Also, it was the Koto Green Lantern 1/10 Superpower figure that I won early this morning, and in my stupidity and confusion, probably overpaid because I thought I was getting two figures, not an empty box and one figure, of Hal.

But what I really need to spend money on is MORE bookshelves or book cases! Someone was supposed to text me about a used IKEA book case but no such luck so far.


Other gets today….
At F.Y.E. In Freehold Raceway Mall
Superman from Action Comics #1!

And Green Lantern Alan Scott from Day of Vengeance


Nice. Those figures around the box are are like two inch toys or two inch cake toppers or something else - those metal figs I keep seeing for overpriced amounts on EB???

I’ve actually seen that on a few, but I bought them as ‘sealed’ boxes from an EB seller so I assumed it wasn’t as ‘factory sealed’ as they indicated, but the box had no ‘tape tampering’ to speak of.

Yeah, I know what you mean, if I am really looking for something, as when I was looking for the same Kon (I ended up buying him from Entertainment Earth due to a coupon plus the free shipping, plus they had one other thing that was sold out at Target - the Bermejo Page Puncher Superman) and most recently for the Project S Supes. I’ve learned it doesn’t hurt to go up and down, it’s how I stumble onto sale items as well, like a random Page Puncher Rebirth Supes for $4.99 because the plastic protecting the comic book was damaged and dinged - and it was the sole markdown because it was only so for the damage :

as you can see, the comic book looks mint, and since I don’t collect current books, I need to try to get rid of it, which probably means EB or my local LCS if they will take it.


These guys?!?

They’re my Super Powers figures mixed with a few ToyBiz DC heroes, Mattel JLU and Young Justice and McFarlane Super Powers 2


And those are small? I’m honestly not familiar with 'em other than pictures. They never have them for sale where I can see them in person, new or used, save for the carded redone new MTS - which I know are slightly smaller than the 7 inch MTS but not as small as those look next to your box.

I just got the GL Super Powers ART/fx Koto statues that I probably overpaid for because I misunderstood the listing, but it’s 1/10 and looks taller than any figure, I have no idea how those are statues and look like large figures, but I guess I’ll find out when I open the box! :grimacing:


@golddragon71 Nice that you finally found Flash! I haven’t seen a Project Superman in a long time. I figured my local Target would get him and I’ve never seen him again. That Mr.Freeze is awesome!!! Sweet find!

@Huntress_Helena I never look for DC related clothing! Nice pickup!

@Alexis227 I understand 100%. Real life gets in the way a lot. Lately I’ve been on a giant DC binge and buying McFarlane’s left and right!

@Vroom I am blown away that this thread I started would even be this HUGE! I was looking to just show off my comic pickups (which I don’t even post my comics. only buy two books these days anyway) and toys. This is awesome that ya’ll use this!!

@TheCosmicMoth I have that Superman pre-ordered. I can’t wait. I’m digging those displays that come with the figures to hold the artwork too.

@StrangeVisitor I stopped at Walgreens for work to drop off a Fedex envelope and notice that Life Superman. I almost bought it! Might be a future pickup. Those cake toppers are pretty sweet too. You’ve been pretty busy with your purchases too!!

Yesterday, I went to Walmart in Deptford, NJ and found the Titans wave. I feel like the stores near me are pretty much months behind with The Batman figures and poor Duke Thomas (I don’t have him yet but he’s $10 on Amazon) figure peg warming.

Tonight after work I went to the Target in Deptford and scored The Dark Knight wave. I saw them last week and they were missing Joker. I was waiting to get paid to pick up the wave but I feel like if I don’t pick things up I’ll just miss out. (FOMO is real)

I ended up grabbing the wave tonight. 10 figures in two nights is pretty wild!

Also I haven’t taken a picture of him yet but I got a Robin Crow from Mercari for $38. I had previously found Batman and Batman Who Laughs at separate Walgreens months ago but didn’t open them because I didn’t think I’d ever complete the Merciless. I picked up an Infected Superman I’d been watching on Mercari for $25.

Who needs money? Joker just burns his anyway!