"Look What I Just Got" Thread (Part 1)

Got a few goodies in the mail

Multiverse Mongul

Multiverse Shazam

3” Page Puncher Hal


Nice! What do you think of Mongul?

I like that Page Punchers Hal. In some ways, he looks like a scaled-down rendition of his Multiverse iteration.

I’m thinking of snagging wave 2 in the next few days, so I might join you on Team Jordan before too long. :gl_hv_2:


I like it a lot :slightly_smiling_face:. In particular, I like that they sacrificed articulation to keep it looking clean. Reminds me of DC Direct figures of yesteryear, but with a much more detailed sculpt and double jointed knees for stability. Give us a comics Darkseid like this, please McFarlane (and thank you)!

My enthusiasm for 3” Page Punchers has wained a tad, but it is nice tiny little figure. Wish the 7” version was released sans evil Bat Lantern. You’re right about the similarities with the bigger counterparts, generally speaking. Looks like their sculptors copied & pasted a lot of the details onto the 3” line, and they come through impressively for the size.


I second this.

jots down a note on a 3x5 postcard, slides it under the doors of the McFarlane Toys offices, then carries on with his morning constitutional

Hal was slated for a single release (boxed samples appeared from foreign markets some time back and he’s also seen on the back of some figures’ packaging), but then he just…fell off of/was removed from the release schedule, it seems.

I theorized that he was re-scheduled to come out alongside the Atrocitus wave and Nekron, but that obviously didn’t pan out.

Maybe we’ll get a new basic assortment Hal in 2023? :man_shrugging:t2:

jots down another note on yet another 3x5 card, then slides it under the doors of McFarlane Toys offices and mosies about his morning constitutional


Solid gets here @moro, especially that coo Billy B. figure. :smiley: :00_shazam: :00_shazam: :00_shazam:


FINALLY found The Batman Who Laughs, so now I have all 6 Super Powers figures until 2023’s additions. I also grabbed 4 in Spinmaster Dr. Fate from Black Adam.


Hurray! :tada: :sparkler:

Whoop-whoop for being caught-up! :muscle:t2: :partying_face:

Nice! From Target, Walmart or elsewhere?

I’m on the hunt for him and Cyclone. Fingers crossed they appear en masse in Walmart’s Christmas toy bins as previous HTF Spin Master figures from the last two years have. :crossed_fingers:t2:

Circling back to being caught-up with Super Powers, I snagged this last night (from Walmart, of course):

I snagged my previous SP Flash quite a while ago, and opened that one. The above will stay carded.

I’m buying carded doubles of select SP figures (Wonder Woman is the next I’ll snag a duplicate of), but given that Flash is my favorite of series 2, I thought he’d look neat on The Wall, so I yoinked him, Yara Flor-style (keep your jokes to yourself, please :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:).

While I love seeing Super Powers product at retail, I can now sit back, rest from being 100% caught-up and not flip through the pegs, thinking “Do they have a minty Flash?”, until next spring.

Until then, I’ll gawk at the Super Powers stuff and say “Ooh, pretty.:star_struck:


Walmart, only had 1.

While thats the announced time, experience has showed me the spring figures could pop up anytime from dec to summer 2023! So i’ll be checking just in case.


Yep, stuff can and does show up early.

I’ll always check out Super Powers, as I want to soak in Super Powers at retail as much as I can.


Good stuff! :smiley:


Moseyed into Walmart last night (Wednesday) and came across the following item in a pallet-sized, Christmas-themed, display of assorted toys:

This is the first time Batman has appeared in the Heroes Unite line, and I dig Justice League-themed box sets, so it was a natural pick-up.

I’d seen the above on eBay a week or so ago, but wasn’t yet sure who would carry it.

Kohl’s has a 12-inch Spin Master Justice League box, and while they don’t carry much 4-inch product from Spin Master (hell, they don’t carry much of anything of note, as their toy section and selection, DC or otherwise, typically sucks), I thought they could possibly have the set, so as to accompany their 12-inch piece.

However, Heroes Unite is mostly a Walmart exclusive now, and I don’t really care for Kohl’s, so I was happy to snag it at Wally World.

Also, this set is a bargain at only $25.99.

When you figure (you bet your ass that pun’s intended :sunglasses:) that regular Spin Master 4-inch figures (regardless of line) go for $6.97 at Walmart, I thought this set would go for, at minimum, $39.99, so as to hit that $40 sweet spot.

However, when I saw it on the assorted toys display (which was by the non-grocery entrance, so keep that in mind anyone who’s looking for the set) and at only $25.99, I belted out a Yara Flor-style “Yoink!” to myself and grabbed the League.

Afterward, I skedaddled over to the main toy area and found this year’s Christmas toy bins, which, as I hoped they would, had Spin Master schtuff! :partying_face:

They had a bin of the latest 12-inch Batmen (none of the non-Batman characters in the latest wave, i.e. Tech Suit Nightwing, Red Hood or the Joker reissue), and next to that was a bin of the latest Heroes Unite reissues.

After I had pulled out all of the figures and neatly restocked the bin so that other collectors could have a substantially easier time in going through it than I did (as the figures were piled atop one another when I found them), I left with these:

The good news is that I found Lex x5, so he should be much easier to find now than he was in 2020 at Target. I snagged two of him (one to keep carded, while the other is to open and noodle with) along with one each of Diana and Art.

Beyond the multiples of Lex, the rest of the figures in the bin were Superman x8, Aquaman x4 and Wonder Woman x4.

Green Lantern has been reissued with a metallic deco, as has Superman, and the gold editions of Wonder Woman and Superman are also showing up on new cardbacks. However, none of those were in the bin I found. Just Superman, Aquaman (regular and chase editions), Lex and Diana.

There wasn’t any other 4-inch Spin Master product in this assortment of bins I came across, surprisingly. However, these bins vary in size depending on the store they’re at.

I’m hoping the bigger stores that push a lot of product will get expanded bins that will feature Black Adam and Batman in addition to Heroes Unite, as I can’t imagine Spin Master would only want to highlight Heroes Unite during the busiest retail season of the year.

Finally (yeah, I know you’re saying “About time.”, but I like to be descriptive, so nyah :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:), its worth noting that the “new” Lex has a difference from his 2020 release and its in the colors of his accessories.

2020 Lex had a purple over the shoulder cannon, green axe (which I took to be Kryptonite-based) and a giant green gauntlet that had a huge Kryptonite dagger jutting out of it.

The 2022 single-carded reissue (note: Lex’s release in the Walmart exclusive Superman and Batman box set only came with his green axe) has those same pieces, but the colors are reversed, with the cannon now being green and the handheld weaponry being purple.

Offhand, I kind of dig the reissue’s accessory coloring more. The purple weaponry reminds me of purple Kryptonite and the green cannon fits smoothly into the green of Lex’s armor in a more concealed fashion than the purple cannon did in the 2020 edition.

Okay, that’s it. If you collect Spin Master stuff (and you should :wink:), check Walmart for the latest spiffy, snazzy and rad Heroes Unite goodies.


Spiffy! Especially that Lex in his “I don’t like Superman!” suit. :smile: :+1:


Indeed, indeed and TY.

Spin Master’s Lex is easily one of the best Lex figures in recent years and my personal favorite New 52 Lex figure. He’s a ton of fun.

For any curious, here’s a shot of the cardback for the new wave:

No on-package cross-sell, but the figures do have a folded brochure inside the package,
that details assorted, currently-available figures in the line and their assorted levels of availability (common, “rare” and “super-rare”) based on which accessories they come with (Lex is common and has no “rare” or “super-rare” editions).

SN: As I’ve said before, “rare” and “super-rare” Spin Master figures are anything but. With enough patience, they’re very easy to find at retail. Do not buy the BS scalpers sell about their rarity, because it is NOT true. “Trust me.”, as Indiana Jones once said. :cowboy_hat_face:

And for the sake of shoots and giggles comparisons, here’s an eBay photo of the 2020 Lex:

I really hope Spin Master resumes new product for this line.

The reissues are fun (if you’re like me and enjoy reissues within reason, that is), but brand-new figures would be nice. Lobo, Firestorm, more Green Lanterns, more female characters and oh yeah, that Brainiac we saw at Toy Fair 2020 that has still not seen release.

Spin Master will have a full plate next year with Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom, Blue Beetle, The Flash and Shazam!: Fury of the Gods (not to mention My Adventures with Superman and Batman: Caped Crusader, should they materialize in '23), so we’ll likely get plenty of new characters across multiple lines that will likely scale with their existing product.

I just…I just want a 4-inch Lobo with a BFG, Dawg and his chain that he rips bastiches apart with. Ain’t much to ask for, Clyde. :wink:


New find at hobby lobby! Holographic picture that’s changes when u change the angle! Can’t wait to hang it up in my room!


Nice! :ok_hand:t2:

Hobby Lobby always has cool stuff (and with coupons, great deals).


Weekend pick-ups (and a mail arrival):

Walmart #1

Walmart #2



Where do you put them all! :slight_smile:


I have these things called “shelves” that take care of that. :wink:

In fact, I just spent the last hour or so organizing a few shelves. Hera bless the mute button I use during a work call that I only have to listen to and not participate in, so that I can be up and about while working (more or less :shushing_face:) and tending to my shelf-based plastic crack arrangements. :nerd_face:


You must have a LOT of these Shelves things.


I also have packaged action figure wallpaper, which is, bar-none, one of the best types of wallpaper ever made.

Screw that “wallpaper installation” jazz you see on TV. Its far too messy.

I stick a thumb tack in the wall, pop on a new piece of wallpaper and bingo, Ringo, done. If I want to change that piece of wallpaper at a later date, I pull off said piece and put it in its new location. Easy-peasy, lemon-squeezy and thank you ma’am, signed, Shazam.

In my four eyes, that approach beats the hell out of “Well, get the wallpaper scraper out, honey. We need to redo it…again.”

SN: I have no idea if a “wallpaper scraper” is a real thing. Either way, its rhyming value is quite spiffy.