LIVE Q&A with Laura Jean Shannon, Super Suit Designer for STARGIRL, BLACK LIGHTNING, TITANS, DOOM PATROL, & More! Thurs 5/7 @5pm PT/8pm ET

Hi Laura Jean!

Huge fan of your extremely detailed super suits, and very excited for STARGIRL, and DOOM PATROL season 2.

  • What has been your favorite super suit to design, and why?
  • What super suit have you always wanted to design?

Thanks so much!


What has been your favorite moment from season 1 of Stargirl?


Hi Laura Jean.

Your work all around has been super inspiring. It seems so much love goes into everything.

My question is
How do I get a job with your company?


Hello Laura Jean,

You don’t know me and I swear we’ve never met. :slight_smile:

At what point in the writing process on your shows do the writers start talking to you about new characters?


Hey Everyone! this is Laura Jean (LJ) i am fired up to be here with you all tonight! thank you so much for joining and for sharing your questions and thoughts with me! a bunch of my team is watching too and I know they will be so excited to see what I have already read from all of our awesome DCU fans and fellow geeks :wink: lets get started! xo




thanks so much for your well wishes and I too hope you and yours are fairing this unprecedented time well- hopefully you are catching up on DCU shows :wink:

1: Oh man! It is a multi faceted adventure! Never a dull moment combining the intensity of research and innovation with the camaraderie of community with my team, the actors, showrunners, producers, Directors and FANS!!!

2: I think on a deep instinctual level, yes- but I was not really aware that Costume Design was even an option until I got involved in Film and all the stars aligned to lead me down this path that really resonates with all aspects of my being… i have always been an artist and a GEEK while also enjoying cinematic storytelling.


What types of skills do you look for when hiring?
What foundations do you suggest for someone who wants to design costumes for a living?


thanks so much for that!!! we really enjoy bringing the suits to life and it really means SO MUCH to us all that the fans are digging our work!


Hi Ralphsix! It is my honor and pleasure to be a part of this event to connect with the fans! I love all our shows and any chance to support our extended community is one I try to make time to be involved with!
Dude- I LOVE ELF too!!! For sure one of my all time favorite projects and one that I get to enjoy every year!!! We set out to make a Christmas classic and by gosh we sure did-yay!!
It is impossible for me to name just one favorite project as I love them all -it is like asking me to select a favorite child :wink:
I am proud of the work my team and I do on all our shows… i try to hold a really high level of design for each character so we can always look back feeling a sense of accomplishment. The DCU shows have provided a great arena for us to test new processes and push our work in unique directions so that provides a really wonderful creative outlet.


Thanks Capo-Mage! We are FIRED UP!!! Cannot wait to see our show come to life and so far the buzz has been epic!!! I love seeing your collection- i think we are gonna do you proud :wink:


Thank you so much for answering my question!:slightly_smiling_face:


1: Hi Cici! Depending on where you live, I would look up the IATSE local Costume Designers Guild or Costumer’s union that is affiliated with that area and reach out to the Costume Designers, Assistant Costume Designers and Costume Supervisors in your area asking to interview for a Production Assistant position on their upcoming or current projects. PA’s are the go to folks on each team and it is a wonderful learning experience to be a part of the team in this capacity! I got my start in a very similar fashion…

2: I love that question because I often say that part of what i love about Filmmaking and TV is that it is a collaborative art form and I adore collaborating with others! I am a people person and thrive off of the collective consciousness of creativity! I love tapping into that energy that only exists when so many hearts and minds are focused on a common goal. I think our work provides great challenges that have to do more with Timelines and budgets than the actual collaborative process… I have been really lucky though that I have landed with an exceptional group of folks who really value my contribution for our shows on DCU and I pride myself in managing my team with a lot of space for each person to have ownership of their contribution to everything we bring to life together-love fest!!!


Wow. That’s got me so excited!!! Thank u :slight_smile:


hey there!
1-longest suit was probably Deathstroke -lots of details!!!
2-we often re-visit our suits during prodcution and in each new season to take into consideration lessons learned during the shoot!


Hello and thank you for your time.
Does the movie industry under value custom designers?
What would you do to make your profession better?


1: Hi TRMerc! This is a fantastic question and hopefully the work speaks for itself in terms of the marriage of classic iconic elements of the characters as the fans know and love them, combined with a grounded updated take on bringing them into our specific stories…

We ALWAYS start by a deep dive into studying the history of the character in the books and any other media and depending on the show and the needs of the storyline, we can lean heavily in the direction of a specific iteration of the character or draw many influences from different versions to combine them in a unique way. Since all of our shows on DCU are based in a “real world” backdrop, we put a lot of thought into how we can create a practical suit that is still overtly a Super Hero suit. With each Character’s suit, we pay tribute to what we the fans know and love while also breathing new life into each detail to create an overall design that hopefully becomes a new classic!

2: My Design Aesthetic is very broad and throughout my career I have always tried to keep myself limber by varied design challenges! Each of our shows provides a great opportunity to give each one of them it’s very own visual voice and even each character has it’s own processes and construction principles to give each one its own personality…in so doing I would have to say that rather than having a “signature style” I try to keep innovating new approaches and each time that adds to our “bag of tricks “


we use a lot of zero jersey but we try and branch out and experiment with things that are not the obvious choice so we can create throughly unique suits! also- we customize nearly all our fabrics with some technique or another :wink: lots of screen printing, sublimating and paint!


Thank you so much for saying that Khristian012!!! That makes my team and me really happy!!!

1: tune in to Stargirl and you shall see some epic form fitted suits!!! We are really psyched to bring some classic Super suits to our show that are very reminiscent of the original characters!!
It is true that there are a lot of sculpted armored elements that are integrated into many of our Super suits… part of this is character and story driven and another real aspect is that by utilizing unconventional sculpted materials and integrating them into our customized fabric elements, we are able to push proportions and elevate the richness of the design.

2:oh gosh - the challenges of creating cool Super suits to be worn and shot practically on our shows is endless :wink:
Some of our most unique challenges are the fully practically lit suits on Black Lightning and of course our Robotman and Cyborg on Doom Patrol! Making sure our mechanized men were elegant and cool as opposed to goofy or clunky was a real feat of engineering! My design team, Creative Character Engineering and our Tailor shop plus all my local teams on each show help make that all possible!


Hey there! I can never answer what my favorite costume is cuz I LOVE THEM ALL!!! BUT i can tell you this- designing the Super Suits on Stargirl was such an absolute pleasure… each one of those suits was inspirational and each one of the actors wearing them a gem… my son’s favorite is Doctor Midnite :wink:
Cannot wait to hear which your favorite is!! You guys are allowed to have favorites…they’re not your kids like they are mine :wink: