Live Q&A w/ Tom King! Thurs, 4/16 @ 3:00pm PT/6:00pm ET


So true—the Stephanie Batgirl book by Bryan Q Miller was fantastic.


Mr. King,

Thank you for a great run on Batman. It was entertaining and at the same time made me look at Bruce through a slightly different lens than before.

My question for you:
You’ve written Batman… you’ve written some Superman (Up in the Sky was great)… would you consider writing a Wonder Woman story, and if so what would your angle/approach be? How about a Trinity or Justice League book?


So true—the Stephanie Batgirl book by Bryan Q Miller was fantastic.


Well that’s very kind. Thank you. You rock.

  1. Our plan for those missing 15 issues was always to do some more BTAS type of one and two shots showing Bat/Cat working as a team, finding each other again, leading up to a wedding of sorts in 100. Sort of Batman outside of the Bane plan moving forward. It would’ve been a lot of fun, but I don’t regret not doing cause now I get to read what Jame is doing and he’s killing it. And emotionally we got to where we needed to get, to Batman making a second vow in 85. Bat/Cat will be sort of taking that moment and turning it into a DKR huge story. Going to be as good as I can make it.

  2. For me, themes come from your subconscious. That’s the trick of writing. You create a story, but what you’re really doing is connecting your deepest everything to someone out there’s deepest everything. So you write the story and if the story is good, the themes that are in you, that come from you life and loves will come out naturally, you can’t help it, sadly and wonderfully.


Why didn’t you put Kite-man in your Suicide Squad book?


Hey Nathan!

  1. I have no idea what you’re talking about. But what you’re talking about should’ve been announced weeks ago and I don’t know when I can talk about what you’re talking about even though I don’t know what you’re talking about. I can say this. It’s an insanely ambitious and hard project and I’m fool for taking it, and I’ve seen the first issue and I’ve written 11 of the 12, and I love it more than anything. It’s my attempt at the moment. As always.

  2. 5g is in eternal flux as it should; they want to get it right. Bat/Cat however is not. Clay and I came up with the story last year and we keep moving forward. The story is an attempt to do a DKR type Batman event, something that will define Batman and Catwoman for some time to come. So like DKR it’ll stand apart, but like DKR - it it’s good - it’ll have impact beyond itself. I hope. The Clay Mann art is the best art I’ve ever seen on a comic, so at least I know it’ll be nice to look at.

And thank you.


Tom! I’d be really interested to know more about the dynamic you have with Ava:) It was really interesting to me that you were paired from the standpoint of her background in community activism and your former role in intelligence (which often clashes with or is perceived as often in opposition). If it’s not entirely off limits: have you two discussed this aspect of yourselves when beginning to work with one another? With the follow up being: Could your unique perspectives and dialogue on issues of race, inequality, government, etc. be a heavy influence on the New Gods subject material/narrative? Thanks!


You rock, thank you!

Like I said above, theme emerges as your telling the story as it interacts with the readers. I can tell you what I’m trying to do, which is sort of talk about our current moment, talk about the people who are lying to us and what that does to us and how hard it can be to get at the truth, how sometimes that battle seems to destroy us. Unlike Miracle, this is much angrier book in its way. I’m almost tired of the we need to find a way to live and ready for we need to find a way to fight. We’re on issue 5 now, and I think that’s coming across.


Hey, Tom! Thanks for taking the time. I don’t want to be too pessimistic, but I’m pretty sure cons aren’t going to be a thing in 2020.

Anyway, I love your stories and especially how you make being sad cool. What’s your inspiration for making everyone so sad? And cool!


That was the most fun. I remember live tweeting the script because I was laughing I was reading it. I find the more fun I have writing something the better it is. Then Lee started drawing it and he took it all so seriously, and I think that’s why it works. Because Lee didn’t draw the joke. The contrast between that and the silly underneath made that book. I feel like I’m bragging too much. Sorry.


Hey Tom, Big fan! Love your work.

1st Question i have is, how far along are you in your Bat/Cat story, and is it in continuity? Helena Wayne/Kyle??!! :bat::cat:

2nd Question if you could write the script for a DC movie black label style, of your choice what would it be?

Thanks Again man!!!

PS: Cant wait for SA#2
pew pew

  1. I think you have to focus on your window of time, build on what others have done and let them build on what you did. All of which includes tearing stuff down. I think the other way lies madness and resentment and all that, and who has time for that, there are comics to write. I love Alan Moore and I still did the Button, who am to complain? I’m proud of what I wrote and another writer changing something doesn’t change my words.

  2. Probably if I had to pick something it would be to keep Gotham Girl as something cool as a good guy. She’s named after my daughter, Claire and so I like to show her comics where she appears and it’d be hard to see her like doing a lot of evil things. Though maybe in the right way, it could be cool.

And thank you.


Oh man, that was part of a whole story that got cut at the last second. There was supposed to be this big desert story in batman 70-74 and at the end Batman would have to choose if he was willing to kill Ra’s to bring back his mother…we had to condense that all into 73, 74, which are cool issues. Nonetheless…ah the stories untold…


Hahaha…damn the Tom!

  1. I’ve told this before, but it was just supposed to be a short story where Nightwing recovered much more quickly. Like two issues. When they wanted to expand it, I proposed that they do a story where Tim has to take care of Dick while he recovers from a brain injury, teaching him who he is, how he can fight, and in the meantime, Tim takes on the Nightwing costume to maintain that legacy. A story of two brothers sort of learning how much they need each other. They went in a different direction.

  2. I stole this from Bendis! I use eclipses to indicate that sort of pause when you can’t think of…the next…word. It’s kind of a…falling off…like you’re…discovering what you’re…going to say. Except for Swamp Thing where that’s just how he sounds.

And thank you!


Whoa! Was not expecting that, thanks for the insight!

  1. I loved Bane’s origin story. 17 years spent in a cell alone that flooded each night so he had to tread water to stay alive and eat the fish he could catch in his teeth. That meant really that his power was will power, which is Batman’s power. It seemed that they were perfectly matched in that way. I wanted to see them fight–it’s as simple as that.

  2. Bruce wouldn’t care as he can’t eat cake because he’s training. Catwoman would want the most expensive cake ever made, eat one bite, laugh and get some donut holes from an Entimens she stole from 7/11.


Thank you for the answer! I appreciate getting a chance to listen to your responses. Great insight!


I LOVE this idea. Tim came into the Bat-Family to help Bruce out of a rut. He performs a similar function for Jason Todd in Batman & Robin Eternal. Tim’s role in the family is to reach out a hand and help others get back up when they’re at their lowest.


Ha. That’s definitely sounds like how it would go.

And that was a great origin for bane.

Thanks for answering.


Are you saying Batman hasn’t eaten cake since he was eight years old? No wonder he’s always so cranky. I always thought it was the dead parents thing, but this makes way more sense.