Let's Talk About How Good DC TV has gotten!

Has anyone else notice how well DC is crushing it in the television department?
The final season of arrow was fantastic.
Legends has Constantine as a main stay (who i’m a sucker for)
Harley Quinn was absolutely hysterical.
Watchmen is amazing.
Stargirl is so unbelievably full of heart its always fun to watch.
Doom Patrol (season 2) deserves a thread of its own.

Everything else I didn’t mention is at the very least good (maybe not supergirl).
I also have no doubt Lucifer will be great.
I think soon were going to hit a golden era of Comic book Televison where marvel will release there Disney plus shows, third party comics shows will continue and Dc will be continuing there successful shows as well as releasing Superman and Lois, Metropolis, Sandman and the (Unlikely) justice league dark show.

The future is definitely bright for superhero shows and thats in no small part to DC.


You like some of these things a lot more than I do.


I will agree that the DC original shows have been outstanding. The arrowverse shows used to be good, but have become very stale. Supergirl used to be my favorite show, but it went downhill afters season 3


Agreed, I stopped watching Supergirl around season 5 I think.

I watch religiously all DC CW shows but lately they have been focusing more on the characters love life especially Legends of Tomorrow. They hardly ever suit up :frowning:


That bothers me also., Commander Steel hardly ever “Steels up” even though doing so would make things much easier in a lot of situations


I understand why he isn’t featured enough because of CGI cost but what about White Canary? Ray hardly ever wore the suit, Constantine is the only one who “suits up” he always wear the same thing


Totally agree with Supergirl not being as good after season 3


I have to agree. I have been impressed with most of the DC shows of late. Legends of Tomorrow, Stargirl, and Doom Patrol are favorites of mine.


Personally, I think DC has it on all calibers now, and has for a while. New season of Doom Patrol is phenomenal as usual. Swamp Thing, and all the rest as well…
The present, and future for DC is exciting!


Great time to be a fan!,… some shows may need some freshness injected back in em but OVERALL I still watch everyone of em and I am entertained sufficiently well enough with the ones I don’t care as much about! :joy:


Watchmen, Doom Patrol, HQ, you do not like whaaaaat?

Admittedly I have no interest in the Arrow spinoff with his daughter. I’m also not that excited about Superman and Lois, but they could convince me to give it a try. Batwoman was quite good, but I’m not sold on the new idea they’re going with at this point.


Yo y’all sleeping on supergirl. Season 5 was really good with Leviathan, Lex, and Kara’s new suit. The only thing was how corona virus ruined the last few episodes and the finale. But next season looks like it’s going to be fire

I loved Supergirl tho! I loved the dynamic between Supergirl and Alex, and the show gave me a real appreciation for Martian Manhunter. Before Supergirl, I had no clue who Martian Manhunter was. The only thing I don’t like about Supergirl was the romances, but I agree, DC is crushing the TV right now. Now that I have DC Universe, I need to watch Swampthing and see what everyone was raving about.


I’m interested to see what Batwoman is like, especially after the recast. This is a really cool character from the comics and animated shows, so I hope this show does well this time around!

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Harley Quinn was amazing!!!


Hopefully they will stay on track with all the new shows
Just want to see the thunderbolt in stargirl ,


What was good about Leviathan? I was intrigued by the buildup but they ultimately came across as being too confusing, boring or somehow both simultaneously. I feel like they’re easily 1 of the worst Arrowverse villains and by far the worst big bad on Supergirl

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Glad I’m not the only one who liked Batwoman. Everytime someone talks about it, it’s always negative. Cue me to look away and not say anything because I actually liked it, and that’s a debate I try to avoid with people.