Krypton Season 2 finale live

NYJt3 has the definitive answer “it could be anything” I whole heartedly agree. So, into this show whatever it is I believe it will be cool.

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I think the Omega symbol is for the Omega men. If its Darkseid and Parademons that will be just if not more awesome though.

Omega Men makes sense too. Actually think that’s my favorite option.

With the Omega Men’s connection to Adam Strange and the Thanagar/Rann war it makes the most sense.


This was a really good finale and a great season overall, even better than the first season. Quick pace, tight storytelling, epic stakes…I’m officially hooked.


Not that it matters now, unless the show gets picked up by another service, but show runner Cam Welch confirmed on Twitter Nyssa was on Rann, it was Thangarians and the symbol was for the Omega Men. Season 3 was going to feature the Rann/Thanagar War and Jor-El as a super powered teenager on Earth with his father Braniac

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So,awesome, probably won’t see it but would be cool if we did

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Assuming the show doesn’t give revived, I’d love to see DC do a comic book miniseries to wrap up the Krypton story using the producer’s outline for season 3 (and maybe beyond). They could even make it a DC Universe exclusive/digital only series.

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