JSA Book Club: Final Justice

I know what a surprise my first post is about Hawkman.


Club Leaders

@JasonTodd428 & @MatthewHecht

Honorary Member


Standing Members

Abrax, AggressiveIntellectual219, Alec.Holland, anthony.javier3, Applejack, Azrael_Jean-PaulValley14, BatgirlsAmdSignalBookWhenDC, bbzo24, beniac-5, bigblock66, BlueBeetlesAssistant, Bob32571, BobbinIrving, Boswell99, Brenticus_Rex, bromepeter424, Brownliealex1048, CaptainYesterday, CassTheStreet, chintzybeatnik, CrazyQuilt, Daffern, DarcyPeridot, Darkstarz, dave7atgosky, dave_worrell, DC_Community, Deathstroke’sPunisher, deborahma295, december360, djganon, Doctor075, DocterFate1, Don-El, fawsid, finn.p.campbell,frankie.lacy79, l, Frostbite30, ganaoque, harrist, HombreDeMaiz, hotstufflouie, HubCityAnswer, Jay_Kay, jayspice777, Jflow, jlevin, Jurisdiction, kaliym73, lunalane, mbpbinder, _meegs, Meisaj, Midnitehour, MiscellaneousSoup, MisfitCMJ, mitchellbpearson, MoukaYuki, MPMCN86, msgtv, Odbo255, PaintEater, parzival27, ProActress, QuadPen, ralphsix, Ravenrifft, ReaganFan78, Remember5NovEveyHammond, RexRebel, rlynchfamily, Robingames, ROMANLEGION rspezzano, rwm, Ryan22, Schoeswald, Scoop001, Sinestro1,slowp0Ketail, Smallengineerings, SuperBlue Grodd, TheCosmicMoth,TheRealDetectoveChimp, Timmay_Bird, TK52, Tommyskindlefire, TurokSonOfStone, YolandaMontezz, ZacharyLee1995

To Join here is the link-

Our reading material is
Hawkman 27-29

Discussion points

  1. Was Hawkman really that scared of death, or was he more scared of Hawkwoman dying?

  2. The final three issues are by far the lowest stakes the series had. How do you feel about it ending like that?

  3. Based on the panel where one of Hath-Set’s incarnations is locked up with Idamm he was in there for an incredibly long time. Do you think Hawkman was actively trying to reform his old friend?

  4. Was Hawkman surviving the stab a good scene? I have gone back and forth on that.

  5. When Hawkman and Hawkwoman got to pick any time to live in they immediately chose the 1940s as JSA members? Is this the choice you think they would make?