Jon Kent Finds His Identity in Superman: Son of Kal-El #5

Very subtle differences in the coloring. Someone said that Jay’s skin tone is now considerably lighter, it doesn’t look that way to me, more like a different placement of shadows on his face.




Looks like more highlights were added to the faces as well as a purple hue to the background


I may be alone in this, but I think that’s kind of disingenuous to do that with any issues that, in themselves, don’t depict a character as queer. Sort of like how on DC Universe, the Constantine and Wonder Woman shows were featured during Pride Month. Sure, they have queer characters, but you wouldn’t know that if you time-traveled from 1941 and weren’t familiar with them.


Oh yeah, his skin is definitely lighter.


It’s brighter for sure, but not like changing someone from a dark skin tone to a light skin tone as that person was inferring. More like they are both glowing. Even Johns Skin is lighter. The whole image is brighter.

I don’t recall any other images being released so there won’t be any more comparisons.


Someone posted these on Twitter

Most likely not foreshadowing, but still funny.

The original colorist leaked plot points of the comic to “Those” news outlets, That is how the rumors and leaks got out. He spoke ill of his employers on video and within said video, he engaged in conversations comparing homosexuality to bestiality and pedophilia.

This is simply unacceptable. Apparently he was fired and didn’t leave.


Not to get all Meta, but Rebirth/Doomsday Clock/Whatever other tweaks sort of put Wally and his past back where Wally belongs-- including the continuity with his wife & children. The first Crisis did happen (I think) and Wally had a career when Barry left.



I may be alone in this, but I think that’s kind of disingenuous to do that with any issues that, in themselves, don’t depict a character as queer. Sort of like how on DC Universe, the Constantine and Wonder Woman shows were featured during Pride Month. Sure, they have queer characters, but you wouldn’t know that if you time-traveled from 1941 and weren’t familiar with them.

I’m guessing the rationale for the Pride logos on all of the issues is two-fold…

One, it’s because it’s all part of one storyline. And two, I don’t believe the reprints will have different covers, so the Pride logos will make them instantly recognizable from the first printings.

(The Pride logos look kind of cool too, I think.)

SUPERMAN: SON OF KAL-EL T-shirts and the like I imagine will be in the DC Shop in a matter of weeks. If not, it’s like, “What are you guys doing? What, you don’t like money?” :relaxed:

One thing I’m surprised about is that DC hasn’t announced an NFT for any of this yet – for any of the covers, or for the now famous interior image from the headlines.

I would say, for an NFT of that interior image alone, DC could probably charge $10 or $20 dollars, or more…

The DC FanDome NFT’s were free, but DC could very easily change for any SUPERMAN: SON OF KAL-EL NFT’s at this point, I would think – I know I’d buy an NFT of the first issue, I love that cover.

One NFT I know I would pay an idiotic and embarrassingly amount of money for is an NFT of the SUPERMAN VS MUHAMMAD ALI cover – my first and favorite Superman comic. :relaxed:


I don’t care how you feel about Superman and Batman, which one you think is better, or if you prefer them as friends or enemies, this is just objectively adorable.


Are we not going to talk about how Bendix is Bendis?


Henry Bendix predates Bendis’ run on Superman by a couple decades :slightly_smiling_face:.




Just got back from the comic store, It was confirmed that they are indeed ordering a LOT of books. He implied that it wasn’t selling well enough to justify that purchase, but it also sold out at his store. He also said he can never tell if he should buy more. He said issue 1 went from 50 in stock to 7 and he couldn’t tell if consumers wanted more.


And there is officially a second printing…

That was fast. :relaxed:

And it was a decent issue, it did a lot things that I like. I guess I’m back onboard.

(I’m so wishy-washy.) :relaxed:


I just left the store. there were only 2 copies left and I got 1. All Variant covers were taken (DAMMIT).


I finally read it. It was good. As far as the kiss…. You can tell that Jon has thought about boys before. Which would make sense with a very young Gen Z kid raised by Clark Kent and Lois Lane, 2 people who I doubt have any trace of homophobia in their hearts.

I like how in a strange superhero way, Jay not needing protection from Superman makes him… The only one who Superman doesn’t have to worry about in the same way that when you really trust your partner, you don’t have to worry.

Now, they were wrong for leaving it off the way they did. They were plotting for a way to make sure I would pick up the next issue.