Is There a Continuation After Super Sons #12?

Hello, I was just wondering if there is a continuation of the Super Sons comic books? I was really enjoying them. 12 was great, but I thought it kind of ended suddenly. I am new to the whole comics side of DC/Superheroes, and was just getting into that particular series.


There’s another four issues in the series, ending with #16. There’s one Annual too.

Jon and Damian are currently starring in Adventures of the Super Sons, which is a wonderfully fun mini.


Upon reading issues 11 and 12, you might be interested in reading the entirety of the Super Sons of Tomorrow crossover. It’s reading order is:

-Superman #37 (part one; not on DCU at the moment)
-Super Sons #11 (part two, available here)
-Teen Titans #15 (part three; not on DCU)
-Superman #38 (not on DCU)
-Super Sons #12 (available on DCU)

Just in case :slight_smile:


The series then continues through the adventures of the SuperSons which is a maxiseries which is currently going on

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Nom nom nom, such clean and organized feedback, nom nom nom… thanks @Vroom!

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You’re welcome. I bet you’re nom nom-in on apples…

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Is that a reference to Forager, or Good Will Hunting? I must know before we proceed.

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It could be a reference to Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back or Forager…but it’s Forager.

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Oh. Then yes. I am enjoying these apples.

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Cartoon apples always look better than real apples. swallows apple whole Why is that?

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A maxi series

12 issue stories!