Is The Green Lantern’s Characterization As Space Cops Outdated?

And if so, how could they be reimagined?

I could get excited about a story that sees the lanterns going rogue and building their own organization free from the corruption of the original systems. Maybe it’s lead by one of the younger Lanterns and we get that generational conflict between, say, Kyle and John, or Simon and Hal. Idk I think there’s a future for the lanterns beyond space cops.


I feel like they’ve actually just evolved into a space military at this point (which I really like).


That’s definitely the way to go if you want to reimagine them, having lanterns go out in squads or platoons depending on how bad the issue is and having lanterns establish stations around the galaxy would be neat, they already get drafted and they’re called Corps might as well double down and give them a military aesthetic.


I was wondering is there was a way to recharacterize them as almost akin to space cowboys. For sort of a more off-beat take

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I was wondering is there was a way to re characterize them as sort of space cowboys


This was done a while ago with John as the leader (except for the generational conflict).


Don’t ruin my hope of Rich Evans becoming a Green Lantern.


I mean, depending how you define cowboys, sheriffs and marshals would still qualify. These ideas don’t have to be mutually exclusive. If the cowboy bit leans more toward a bucking the rules maverick… Hal (and some others) already fits that description pretty decently in a lot of stories.