Is It Just Me...

Is it just me or the DC Mods are really quite today? Must be a busy day in the office! :slightly_smiling_face:


No one expects the Alpha Lanterns… the first of their weapons so surprise…


They may be problem solving some issue or another. Something, or someone(s) may be running amok.

I am getting a lot of scam messages lately too, since I became active in this board, mostly within the last few days.



I only seem Kitty.


@macjr, where are you seeing scam messages? Here on the boards? If it’s outside this app it’s most likely coincidence. If it is here on the boards, please flag them as spam. Thanks!

@Reaganfan78, we are definitely online. Sometimes there isn’t a lot of chatter on the boards, so we just lurk from above.

Fun fact, we are also deeply focused on new projects for the forums, including new weekly events, thoughtful discussion topics, operations/boring stuff, and… the new forum software! So admittedly, we are in a bit of “retreat and plan” mode. But we’re always here if you need us :slight_smile:


They’re lurking.


@Applejack, no not here on the boards, in my own personal e-mail inbox.

I often see a trend of more scam e-mail message bombarding my inbox when I become active on message boards. This is not a new thing for me.

The problem is that I leave too many clues on how to find me, so some inevitable do, and not usually the friendly type.

As for why the Mods have not been as active over the last day or two, I had kinda figured that had a lot to do with the new version of the forums that are hinted at. If they are massive improvements, the Mods would have to know how to work with that new more powerful setup. I have run a few message board forums before, as the Admin, so know something about how all that works.



Part of an earlier comment was about noticing some missing messages I posted, I have spent the last couple days trying to track them down. Found some of them, they were not where I thought, or in threads that looked identical to the one I had posted in. There is still at least one message that is missing though, that may or may not still be out there somewhere. It is too easy to lose track of your posts here. I now know about bookmarking threads, but still have not used that ability yet.

I guess it is also true that I can tend towards being paranoid. It is too easy for me to jump to the wrong conclusions. It is something I fight hard against, but it still an issue at times. I also have a highly developed imagination, and see too many possibilities in any given situation, and do not always pick the right possibility to focus on.

So it goes for the creative thinker. Always a bit half-crazy sounding, and more than a little actual crazy mixed in.



@MACJR, glad you discovered some. I saw your question in OFFICE HOURS and am prepared to give the full breakdown of how this crazy carousel works. As you have background in the field of forums, I’m glad to know some of the language doesn’t have to be converted for your understanding :slight_smile: Stay tuned!

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A better understanding of how these forums works might help some. I am used to far more advanced forums, but that does not mean I automatically know how to work in a more simple environment. The shear simplicity complicates things, oddly enough. There are still little tricks and techniques that one could easily miss or not fully understand at a glance.


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Sheer, shear, wish there was a context auto correct. :wink:


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Hehehe, weeelll… Not to disparage what butters my bread, but alas, what you see is what you get on these forums. The understanding comes from knowing that it’s a bit of a “popsicle sticks and non-toxic glue” setup here. I think you nailed it - “the simplicity complicates things.” And friend, if you think the simplicity of the user experience complicates things, you oughta get a load of the moderation tool set.

Right now an important choice is being made: Lean in full force to educate users on working a simplistic and unintuitive system (a wearisome undertaking) or lean full force into the future.

But we’re starting to spoil the Office Hours conversation and veering away from Reaganfan78’s original topic :slight_smile: To be continued tonight!