If you came across the scarecrow, how would you overcome your fears and him?

images how would you overcome your fears?

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Oh, I’d be balled up in a fetal position in the darkest corner of the room, no doubt.


See, I would first have to know my fears. The best I can come up with is that I will miss an issue of Doomsday Clock and have it spoiled for me. I like to think I can get over that. So now comes the part I will fail miserably at. If you can go toe to toe with Batman, I am running and calling the cops.

I’ll be honest, I most likely wouldn’t overcome my fears. However, I feel like I have somewhat of an advantage because I deal with severe anxiety on a daily basis. Having panic/anxiety attacks, and dealing with intense fear is just an everyday thing for me at this point. So, while it wouldn’t be a fun ordeal, I feel like I could survive a Scarecrow encounter.

Sounds like you already are!

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I feel like if you know it’s a possibility he may attack with fear has that’s one thing, like when in the animated series (I don’t exactly remember which episode not the new adventures) Batman basically just pummels through and fights his way through it to get out of the gas and has gas masks etc for future encounters. Wasn’t it Robin scarecrow caught off guard at first? Now off guard not knowing scarecrow existed and has the gas = that would be horrible. If I knew potentially that it wasn’t real I feel like it’d be easier to plough through but an original meeting him oh man.

honestly it’s kind of sad but I think my greatest fear is being thrown and locked in prison and forced to stay there while no one cares about .y loved ones and my mom dying while I’m locked up, it’s so terrifying for me I only ever got arrested once and spent only a night in jail and everything is fine now but see my mom is 75 and I’m her caregiver. I work as a nurse as well. It’s scary to me that some legal or illegal force could come and take me against my will and just not even care to listen to help my mom and then she die while I’m indisposed. I have friends etc that she’d be ok if it happened but of course there’s never an absolute guarantee. It’s an unwarranted fear because there’s no reason for it. I don’t do drugs or even drink and I literally don’t even go out lol ain’t had a date in years so I don’t even “hit the town” even though I know how to… they’d literally have to come barging in my home for no reason but I honestly have that little trust in police. When I drive honestly I’m not looking around for safety in looking for police because I’m simply afraid of them and everything to do with them. There’s a better explanation for all that but also I live down the street from the police station so it makes a little more sense with more explanation but it’s still irrational. I wish I could stop being afraid but police are a necessary evil and they aren’t all crooked or just looking to make money. It’s just hard to believe that sometimes…I once had a policeman search my car, and question me over a spoon I had in my car like nothing else questionable it was in a smoothie cup and I’m like…I don’t understand why that’s questionable…the cup…right there …once I was given three tickets shoved through my window no speaking at all one of the 3 was for speeding in standstill traffic (in truth I didn’t know what HOV lane meant, deserved that ticket but how could I speed in addition to that when it was bumper to bumper? I’d been on my way to my brothers funeral and was emotional but I mean like lane violation, hov violation and speeding was a bit much for what should’ve been just hov violation but what can u say my points from that one time finally falling off this December so happy. Been waiting for that then my driving record will be almost clean again except for like I think one more ticket years later. Just anything with police not just traffic stuff but that’s easiest to complain about. the cosplcosplay pics are just fun to share. Follow me on Instagram frank.franks and like my fb page Mr.Mar-Vell

I’d be ready with nose filters. And a flower full of joker gas.

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large-2223230 right?

I’m legit afraid of rabbits. If fear toxin had me imagining a horde of them coming at me, I’d turn into a shrieking, flailing, kicking, throwing-whatever-object-is-closest to me fury. I wouldn’t so much as overcome my fears as accidentally cause Crane a traumatic brain injury while he was caught in the crossfire between me and the Efrafa.