How to Stop Writing Batman Wrong

Bravo and amen. I was hoping that the brooding Batman of the Nineties would wear off by now. For most of the 70’s and 80’s while I was reading, Bruce was a caring guy, that you looked up to.
I’d like to see him regain some humanity instead of being an overwrought, chronically miserable cliché.


I really enjoy seeing your passion in the character and I hope you don’t mind that I add a link to my own thoughts on the character courtesy of Hero Corner…


@D2Superfan Great essay! I really enjoyed it. I remember someone (Rucka, Brubaker?) said Batman is still that little boy and has not matured past the loss of his parents. Only an eight year old would swear a oath to warring on all criminals, put on a bat suit and punch them in the face. That is the act of a child, not a mature adult. Bruce is really emotionally scarred and stuck at age eight. It’s an interesting take and makes sense.


All good, except for 7.4.
Only Dick Sprang can make Batman smile.

here is the thing. batman is as crazy as the joker saying he is a sane is hoping he is sane. In the killing joke joker makes a point he says “all it takes is one bad day to turn the sanest man alive to lunacy” he later goes on to say he knows batman had a bad day and it drove him crazy as he is, only the batman will not admit he is insane!




My friend, I’d like you to take a little trip to the Golden Age…

Have you done the Joker write-up yet?

I actually do really like the early Golden Age stories. Bill Finger really was a genius.

I’ve got the Joker one planned but not written. I might get some work done on it tonight.

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Fun stories for anyone who wants to see Batman as a detective first and combatant second.


I guess that’s the thing I don’t understand. Being a detective first is such a part of his DNA. I wonder if Batman focused more in the detective side of things that he would be less the brooding vigilante who beats up people first and asks questions second.

I get that writing mystery/who done it stories is hard. It takes planning, but they are worth it.


I don’t know if I agree with everything here, but damn, I really do just want a nice Batman. He should smile and crack a one-liner every once-in-a-while. He shouldn’t just be a total dick (no pun intended) to the Robins all the time to create tension. I really like a Batman who really likes to help people. And I feel like that’s the central piece of the character that’s been missing for two plus decades at this point.


Has there been a consensus?

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I’d like to see him be nice to the family. I’m an anxious, stressed out grouch, but he makes me look like I’m dancing around singing Katrina and the Waves songs.