How Does Batman Morally See The World

Yes, back when Batman’s creators were writing the character. :stuck_out_tongue:

which was before batman had his no-kill rule smoked a pipe like a chimney and carried a firearm. :grin: gold age batman also has killed.

At least I did not smile when killin… Wait I did. Augh!!! I used to be Joker.


Yes, before the editorial interference. :stuck_out_tongue:

The real Bruce Wayne dumps his pipe ashes on a crime scene like a boss.

Makes me wonder what would have happened in batman 15 between Catwoman and Batman had Pearl Harbor not happened.


Batman see’s the world as a broken place, but ultimately redeemable. He believes even the worst people like the Joker can be helped with proper care and treatment. Perhaps this is best seen in comics such as Detective Comics #614, The Killing Joke, and Batman: War on Crime.

In all of these stories, Batman offers the way to redemption or to help others so they can live better lives and whether they accept is up to them, this is all in a effort to make sure what Bruce went through when he was young never happens again to another.

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That line reminds me of this one scene from Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader


I will say this much is also part of batman’s philosophy but not his morality: He is a stoic fool. However, I mean fool as a compliment because the fool is the only card in the tarot deck that can trump the world. This makes Shin Maganmi Tensai: Persona series interesting.

I can help but picture batman sitting there listening to the Leauge complaints in a board meeting after batman number 75. Here’s how his pholosfical stoicism works.
(i dislike superman)Superman: I am being worshiped. It sucks, Lois is pregnant again, and I am flying all over the place to get some exotic dish. Ma has a cold. And pa broke his leg, so I have been helping a lot on the farm.
(i do not follow wonder woman). Wonder woman: mother wants me home more,
Aquaman: I feel ya, superman. I have to troll the seven seas looking for the one kind of kelp she is craving.
Flash: I am worried about wally. Iris left me.
Cyborg: my parts need upgrading and replacing. Mother box is trying to take over again.
Hal Green lantern: I can’t marry carol and continue being a hero, and I am mad because I keep choosing to serve the guardians when she is more than willing to leave her service to the Zamaron. I can choose
hawk girl: that time of the mouth, so we have to reschedule MM.
MM: Kendra, I would be happy to spend time with you
Batman’s thoughts: what are they all complaining about. in the past five months, I had the throat slit I was shot twice, stabbed three times once with organ damage had stabbed with a sword, shot with a shotgun, dragged behind Roxy rockets rocket, have three cracked libs, a part fracture of my hand, spatial fracture of my tipa my left ear was blown out, Selina left me at the altar to protect the world as the world needed batman and moved across the country. I was wrongfully imprisoned in Arkham and constantly exposed to such fear for two weeks, freed myself by producing enough adrenaline because my best friend ignored my heart rate, fought my way out from every rouge, got shot by my own father, my back broken for the third time, got dragged through the desert by an alternate version of my father, had to let my ass get kicked by sed father, got my throat cut and left for dead in the alps, found by Selina, fell into a coma twice, got a bad infection, got some molten metal poured on me to transform me to bridge to an unstable dark multiverse imprisoned there, had to watch my son get shot in the head, now clawed my way here to listen to these guys speak before I can start physical therapy with the woman have and can ever love she will leave me aging once I am strong. I have also been awake for three days keeping watch. We are smuggled to Hawaii, So if all you’re going to do is bi**tch, I am leaving). Speaks: I have more important things to do than listen to your wine. If there is no other business, I am leaving.

Batman Leaves the room, walking proud and strong, then when no one can see him begins limping to the teleporters.

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Robin monologues him effectively doing this in The Dark Knight Returns Issue 4.

I double-checked, and I honestly forgot about that. But it’s also been a while since I read DKR.

Honestly, I think it would be interesting to read a story where batman unloads on the league about what happened to him on a regular basis.