How Do You Store Your Comics?

What’s up everyone let’s talk about how we store our comics or is everyone basically doing the same thing? I have my books in bags with boards and placed in a long box. My goal is to have a those drawers that are made for comics. So let’s talk about our love affair of comic books.


In piles, generally unboarded. I don’t want the stress of starting to care if my comics lose value when I read them with greasy fingers or throw them out of bed when I’m reading late. Thus I never start to care for them beyond the fun of reading. :smirk:


Bags and Boards, then placed in plastic short boxes. They’re able to stack 4 high. Not water proof, but I hope that kind of event doesn’t happen. It’s been fun to just pull one out and let one of my kids go through a whole run while we’re cooped up. My goal is to keep them nice while they still have story value, but I accept that fact that wear and tear is going to happen when they keep getting pulled out. Not ready to just log the boys into the DC Universe app unrestricted, so it works out well. I have the limited variants or signed copies in UV containers on display but that’s less then 20 books. I suspect the rest will be bound for another home as I can’t keep just buying more containers for the sake of keeping books. Curious what the trade market is going to look like over the next five years. Those are on the bookshelves right now and how I plan on keeping stories in print around the house more indefinitely.




My trusty ol’ bookshelf :slight_smile:


Bagged and boarded in DrawerBoxes™. Just my favorites from when I was young. These days it’s all trades on the bookshelf.


My Reading list right next to my bed


Just trades these days, buddy. Few key back issues.


@Kon-El I understand completely!


Is the top shelf bending from the weight? Distribution, man! :wink:

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Yes but it was built by a neighbor and friend of mine and when I asked him to make it tough because it was going to be used and abused.

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