How do you guys feel about Joker shooting warnings?

It is comical to hear you parroting back talking points from a political faction that is scared their going to have all their guns taken away. Talk about a political faction of whiny spoiled children.

If you wish to ignore all military and intelligence data sources, go right ahead. Although a “real grown up” uses all reliable sources of data to inform themselves. Including sources which have proved accurate in the past in regards to some possible threat assessments and have even been able to use the data gathered to combat and even stop some me threats or actions before they manifest.

You may or may not be a member of that political faction. It matters not to me. Your words make it clear that particular political faction is exerting influence you. When it comes to your definition of “growing up”, perhaps you might consider taking your own advice.

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Desade-acolyte and welcome to generation z

On another note, ya’ll ever wish this app had a thumbs-down button? Just wonderin’.


“Let’s please keep the discourse mature and respectful, and remember that different people will feel very differently about this topic.” It was a nice dream, while it lasted.


Desade-acolyte in other words, you have no arguments, just left wing attacks, lol. Typical

Guys, just a warning before the “up-tops” get involved, your getting both a little off subject and borderline flag-able here. Mature argument is something I enjoy and respect but this is starting to turn to elementary insults.
On the question asked, you’ll be fine. The odds are higher you’ll be struck by lightning on the way home (especially if you live in Fawcett City in which case the odds of getting struck by lightning are VERY high). Have fun, don’t wave metal bars around in the rain, and don’t worry.


To be clear, when I quoted that line from the original post, I was lamenting that we seemingly can’t discuss this civilly, and that politics were being drawn in by people from both sides. I wasn’t calling out anyone specifically. If this film doesn’t do anything for you, I can respect that; but please extend those of us who are fascinated by the film the same courtesy.


I dont blame you, abf. Obviously, the Joker messed with your post!

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