
Loving DC Daily & DC Universe. Tell your Dad I want to make a movie with him!

@christowit.7544 oh that is a bold statement to make my friend! But the bat is the best and always will be!


Preach Harley, Preach!! :smiley:

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@87benlewis.41858 ooo good question! I mainly write screenplays, but writing comics would be fun too! I adore the sirens - so that would be a fun world to live in for a bit :slight_smile:


Have you and your dad ever talked about doing a comic together? @HarleyQuinnSmith.

Harley Quinn Smith

I was another board again. Ohio sends u it’s love :heart:. Love your segments & you’re dad rocks a denim jacket like no other.

Correction Hockey Jersey I got overexcited & my keyboard chose for me.

@harleyquinnsmith answering questions is the best

Sam does rock a nice denim jacket tho I’ll stand by that.

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Oh we can comment on stuff now? Neat.

More comics! What happened to the “the entire dc library is coming October” or something similar?

Very happy that Titans turned out to be decent though.

Welcome @jalborowski- we’re currently looking into a different comics system based on fan feedback. We hope to have more information early next year. Stay tuned!
And while I’m sure Miss Smith would be happy to answer any questions, I think it’s best if we stay focused on those that pertain directly to her work. Thanks!

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Hi harley! Big fan of you, big fan of yer dad, glad you are on dcu staff and dc daily! Have you ever wanted to write/draw or create comics stories/characters, either original content or established properties? Big fan of all yer dc daily cohosts as well!

I know you were a baby at the time, but do u have any memories of playing baby silent Bob in Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back?

Lmao, how could anyone like Superman over Batman?? Gotham has the best villians and doesn’t need them to all have super powers. The psychological aspect is phenomenal! Batman doesn’t need super powers, hes just a man who’s sick of the crime plaguing his city. It makes it more real almost! Lol, Superman is an alien who came here and is indestructible without kryptonite. Lame, you know they’re gonna find new ways to get it and hes gonna move away from it. :woman_shrugging: Batman is darker and grittier too… its like when you’re a kid you wanna by a boy/girl scout and than you grow up and realize that sometimes wholesome doesn’t work. :joy::joy: so you put on a bat mask or some clown makeup and you go out and you force the change you want.

*sorry I’m just over here stuck on the Supe better than Batsy statement! Hiya Harley, loved Yoga Hosers it was hysterical lmao.

So Superman’s greatest battle is to be normal? yawn If a character has to fight withing himself, I take Batman. The internal struggle to not kill psychopaths like Joker knowing it will be too easy after the first one. Superman couldn’t handle Batman’s rouge gallery and that’s been in many comics. Lol, his mind can’t fathom the sickness that is just The Joker! Hes ok for kids and you optimistic folks. But Batman is far more realistic. You can’t be a boy scout and fight crime!

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So criminals who murder and cause total chaos and terrorism deserve mercy? Yeah no, hence why the boy scout just doesn’t appeal to me. People like Hank and Dawn appeal to me. That’s real smh

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After you murder half a city worth of people you don’t get a chance a redemption, you can pain and misery

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Gotham is corrupt though, turning them in to the police doesnt mean justice will be served. It’s kind of the point of Batman, serving up justice where our appointed officials cannot. Batman operates on the idea that “criminals are a superstitious and cowardly lot”, that’s going to take more than a spooky costume and he kind of paints himself into a corner with the “no kill rule”. His only option is to lay down enough hurt that criminals choose prison or a crime free life. It’s not like he’s dropping in on jaywalkers and breaking their legs, he’s pretty measured in his violence. If you go for for gun or attack, you gonna get hurt.
As far as not understanding love, he loved his parents so much that losing them created Batman, because he didn’t want anyone else to feel what he did. He has trouble showing his emotions because he doesnt want to feel that sense of loss again. He adopts children out of love and compassion. Yes, he also weaponized those children, but that just ties into him being a more psychological and interesting charater.
I love Superman too, but the general public has the image of him being ‘too perfect and unrelatable’. Its like trying to tell a story about an omnipotent deity “they win, they win again, they are correct, they win again, they have the answer, they win yet again” No conflict. It’s either that or he’s basically the moral authority in someone else’s moral conflict.
Saying Superman is a better character than Batman IS a “bold statement” because you arent telling us the standards we are using to define “better”. Its mostly just things you seem to value in Superman over Batman. But as far as cultural relevance, sales in comics and merchandise, Batman wins.
Superman has a public perception of being basically a mascot of moral authority.

Hi Harley, hope you’re having a great day!


Hello everyone, just chiming in to say that although we appreciate the enthusiasm shown, as of late, the thread has derailed and gone off topic a bit. If you’d like to continue the Batman vs Superman conversation, please feel free to create a new thread for it, but with regard to this thread’s original intention, please also be mindful to stay on topic when posting from this point forward, as we continue in welcoming @HarleyQuinnSmith to the forums :slight_smile:


Love DC Daily because they give me so much insight in the comic world and make me hungry for more that it’s hard to keep up. Keep up the great work Daily gang.