Heroes that could beat up someone without powers

Okay. Lots of heroes lose their powers often. But who is good at their job without powers? Show me some cool screenshots of people kickin’ @$$ without any powers~

Google “Batman”


No, I mean someone who normally has powers that could be effective without powers. The picture is of green lantern, jerk.

Ah, sorry misunderstood. Hmmm Superman took out some thugs in Convergence: Superman. I don’t have the screen shot but I was impressed!

Yeah I was actually thinking of Convergence when I made this thread.

… What number am I thinking of?

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John Stewart

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Got a screenshot? :slight_smile:

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Sword of the Atom: see Ray Palmer kick but without changing size.

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Dude. Didn’t you read the posts? NOT BATMAN! I meant people like in Convergence, when they are effective without the the powers. Ted Kord doesn’t count either.

To be fair, you never made that distinction in your OP.
