Harley's Crew

All DCUI plastic addicts are welcome!

Heads-up: I will, from time to time, speak The Gospel of Kenner. I know you’ve taken that to heart Huntress, so prepare for more. :wink:


Delightful ways that you are unlike me:

  • As tempting as it has been, I have honestly never told anyone to go **** themselves with any object, much less a cactus. As a desert dweller, I approve of your suggestion of a cactus. :+1:t2:

  • I do not carry a baseball bat in the trunk of my car. I carry other things in said trunk, but not a Harley-approved goody stick.

I approve of these ways you are unlike me, and you are awarded 1,992 Cool Points. Use them wisely. :sunglasses:


Posting this beautiful classic cover of Ives for Queen @Razzzcat. I’ve been re-reading the story in preparation for the release of The Batman next year and with the news of Dr. Isley getting ready to make her appearance on Batwoman I thought it’d be fun to post this beautiful cover.


It’s one of my most fave in my collection as well. :+1: :smiley: :ivy_kiss:


Hiya!! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::hugs:


Right!? :eyes::green_heart:


:heart_eyes: Soooo cute! :purple_heart:


:laughing: That squirrel’s just nuts for some p-

the room goes silent

P-peanut butter. He-he’s nuts for…peanut butter. Yeah.

looks down and awkwardly scratches his left arm

Peanut butter. S’good.

has had jelly and jelly sammies, which are sometimes better than PB&Js


Given your pictures of the actress to play the next live-action Ms. Ivy, I’m going to have to start watching Batwoman again, once Ivy debuts on it.

Those redheads…many of them cast a spell one can’t ignore.


Heh… :sweat_smile: Well, I’m usually quite conflict averse, but I tend to hold onto my disapproval a bit longer than what’s probably healthy. :grimacing: So when I finally reach my limit… :no_mouth: Imagine a mentos stuck in a soda; or a volcano that’s been inactive for a while—until it isn’t. :full_moon_with_face: But I don’t usually hold a grudge and I’m very forgiving (sometimes too forgiving :unamused:).

Yay!! :grin: Any significance behind that number? :astonished:


:rofl: Well… in the gif, I’m the squirrel, so… :neutral_face: crickets :joy:


@DC89 I too am currently reading the Batman: The Long Halloween storyline which looks Awesome.


I’m conflict-averse as well, so I getcha.

I’m also 6’ 3" and 200+ lbs, so most people don’t want to get into something with a gentle giant like myself to begin with. :wink:

I hold onto disapproval of others, too! Up top for hanging onto stuff we shouldn’t hold onto but do, anyway!
:raised_hands:t2: :joy:

Sticking Mentos into a soda should really be something to have on the schedule for any in-person Harley’s Crew meet-ups.

I mean, I’ve never done it, but have always wanted to, so why not?

I don’t usually hold a grudge, either. I’m sometimes told that I’m too nice and forgiving.

If those people who think I’m too nice and a pushover could just see what brews in my cranium. Mwa. Ha. Ha. :smiling_imp:

Well…1992 was the year Harley Quinn, created by Bruce Timm and Paul Dini, was created and made her debut on BTAS, so…:wink:


:laughing: :purple_heart:



I’m the squirrel too, because I’m nutty for p-

the room goes silent again

Peanut butter. I’m, uh, just nutty for…peanut butter.

Yep. Goooo Jif!

SN: “Griff’s got the Jif!”

SN 2: No, my name is not Griff. The above is a quote from Griff, a supporting character on Married with Children.




“Ay- sellin’ out the Amazons to Luthor? You’re gonna’ have to take that ish up with THE COBB SQUAD! Wait- are you serious? Did no one else get one?? Jennifer?” :laughing: :ivy_kiss: :poisonivy_hqas:

Also- made us all a spiffy new :cobb_squad: GIF to use, y’know, whenever. :smiley: :+1:


Via Kaley C.'s Insta


I figured you might be. :wink: I’m 5’2” and about 115-120 lbs, so no one really expects the booming voice that escapes once I’ve reached that limit. Gentle giants are awesome! :purple_heart: I really look up to you all. :laughing:

Yep, same! Even one of my supervisors said this to me. She said I need to stop being so nice because people will take advantage. Well duh… But I’m not changing my personality. I’ll just surprise those who go too far. :full_moon_with_face:

Ooooh!! Gosh, why didn’t I think of that? :woman_facepalming:t2: I was wondering because I remember telling you my age and assumed you were guessing my birth year, which is actually 1991.


Hoist up a glass there people’s, it’s about to GO OFF! CHEERS TO SEASON THREE…



Most schway, @DC89! Can I hire you for some GIF work? :clark_hv_4:

If I were to call you “Shorty”, would that be okay? Maybe “Black Canary”, for when your voice booms? :wink:

Ah-ha! I see what you did there.

Well-played, well-played. Golf :clap:t2: x52.

Likewise! I often think to myself “Let everyone think you’re a pushover. Then, when it’s time to howl and shake the foundations in ways nobody ever thought you could, that’s when they’ll see how much of a “pushover” they mistakenly thought you were.”

As Devil Flanders once said, “It’s always the one you least suspect.” :smiling_imp:

:laughing: As a Harley fan, I was kind of wondering why the number didn’t register with you. It’d be akin to someone giving me, a Superman fan, 1,938 Cool Points and my saying “So, what’s behind that number, Slim?” :wink:

I remembered that, due to the “Harley fans in their 30s!” fist bump from a while back. Soon enough (in two years), I’ll be looking for someone to do a “Harley fans in their 40s!” fist bump with. :harley_hv_1: