Harley’s Crew | Book Club 40 | Spotlight: Poison Ivy

Ps. As for her first appearance: There’s definitely a lot of silly stories in this era in general, so it’s not my Ivy, thats for sure. I do enjoy how sassy she is tho. :full_moon_with_face: No one side-eyes quite like she can, after all. Look at her go! (not from her first appearance, btw)


We did this Spotlight a couple years ago, if anyone is curious:

(:thought_balloon: wonders if @Ultrasonic got this far on Suicide Squad?)

Also, while I’m here… :nerd_face:
I know I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating:
Some of my earliest memories are of me and Wonder Woman, so she’ll always be my #1, but Ivy is up there, like the opposite side of the coin. Yes, they resolve situations in :eyes: sharply contrasting ways, we’ll say :laughing: BUT :rose: I’ve always gravitated toward Ivy for a lot of the same reasons I gravitate to Diana.

Maybe it’s because I was once a little girl reading and watching these two, and I’ve grown with them—seeing myself and what my family taught me that womanhood and leadership means in them, so my perspective is specific (and possibly odd?? :upside_down_face:), but IMO, they have a whole lot in common when it comes to their sense of responsibility, justice and protecting what they consider vulnerable. :balance_scale: It’s about balancing the scales.

Diana loves big and therefore, is heroic in a big way. Ivy loves in what she thinks is a small way, yet is heroic in what she believes is a big way, and that’s just super interesting to me, always has been. (:triumph: Not unlike saving Harley from that gross Clown-man. That’s heroic all by itself, y’all :woman_judge:t2:) :green_heart: Okay. Tiny nerd-rant OVER.