Harley Quinn: Gotham City Sirens vs. Suicide Squad vs. Conner & Palmiotti

Hello Harley Quinn fans! So, I recently finished reading the Harley Quinn and the Gotham City Sirens Omnibus, moments ago, I also just finished reading Harley Quinn by Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti Vol. 1 Omnibus, and I am 3 TPB Vols. into The New 52 Suicide Squad.

Having read all of these wonderful works (…and I am thoroughly enjoying them!!!), I am noticing some things, and I wonder what others’ takes are on these reflections. As I said, I truly have enjoyed, and continue to enjoy all 3 of these titles, yet I am noticing some things about Harley and how she presents in them. So far, comparing the 3, I think I enjoyed Sirens the most, and I think it’s because Sirens felt the most balanced in character development, mystery and adventure, and humor. H.Q. is wildly entertaining, and I frequently find myself breaking into laughter as I read it, but it’s just so irreverent and off the wall, (not to mention overflowing with cuteness!) that after a few issues in a row, I start feeling like I just ate a lb. of gummy bears or a whole pecan pie! H.Q. just feels so decadent and rich somehow.
As for Suicide Squad, I’ve only read the first 2 vols. (Kicked in the Teeth & Basilisk Rising), So I don’t know that I could give it a fair shake as yet… I’m noticing the writing is more focused on action, and so far, while I’m enjoying it enough to want to continue reading, it hasn’t hooked me the way Sirens and H.Q. did. It has its moments, (I laugh every time Shark yells something about “Meat!”, and I love when Harley goes off the rails), but I think I need to read more before I can really form an opinion.

So, to the topic of Harley, I like the balance in Suicide Squad and Sirens, where Harley as her wonderfully unhinged self, comes through as a spark of humor in otherwise more dramatic, engaging tales. When it’s all Harley, I still love her, but I need to take it in smaller doses, because it starts to feel like too much candy.
Has anyone else read all three of these? What’s your take?


I read Gotham City Sirens, New 52 Suicide Squad and the New 52 Harley Quinn as they all came out.

My favorite is easily Gotham City Sirens, especially Paul Dini’s run. He perfectly infused the feel of the DCAU Harls, Ivy and Selina into their comic iterations, and the book was a blast to read under his tenure. Easily one of the best things to come out of Batman Reborn.

New 52 Suicide Squad was pretty fun, especially the Forever Evil tie-in issues. My favorite Harley Moment ™ from the early issues is still when she bashes down a door and yells “Pizza party!” as she and the squad get the drop on their targets. Sometimes, the small moments make the biggest impressions.

No spoilers, but New Suicide Squad was also fun, especially the first arc (issues 1-4 if memory serves). Fun story with very slick art.

New 52 Harley! My favorite volume of Harley Quinn by far. It’s the fun, ass-kicking, goofy book the original volume of HQ tried to be, but never succeeded in being, while it ultimately set the tone for the Rebirth series. Palmiotti and Conner are to modern day Harley what Dan Jurgens is to Superman: Storytelling masters who absolutely get their respective characters.