:batparrot: Gotham Knights (TV Show) S1 Discussion Thread :batparrot:

Seventeenth commercial break check-in!
Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no… Either he was onto them, or he fell asleep watching Disney Channel!



Great episode

Kelly at the hospital. Helping someone gets to know the other guy a bit the reconciles with her mom. Nice.

Turner and Harv meet chill. Cool adaptation of chill. Interesting with the court connection. And harv and turner patch up.

The rest decipher the code. Clue master pops up with his signature ponytail. Nice. The stop the drug op. Nice moment with Steph and Turner.

Then March is stab. Think it was trick to get off his trail with a stab that they both know would not kill him. And Harvey cracks :thinking:.

Is March okay? What are the rest of the codes? What next for our team? All this and more Same Bat Time Same Bat Channel


Twentieth commercial break check-in!
I feel about Steph and Harper the way my dad felt about Thor and Jane in the first Thor movie: I saw it coming from a mile away… I like it better than I thought I would.


Nice episode. I liked seeing Joe Chill, I could be wrong but is this the first live action adaption of him? I mean I know we have seen Batman’s parents die in live action plenty of times, but I don’t recal them ever flat out calling the shooter Joe Chill much less giving it any kind of character.

The Carrie Kelly subplot was decent, nothing great but gave the other guy from their school some character development since apparently that is a regular, or at least recurring character. And Carrie got some nice moments as well.

The fight scene was good and glad to see Stephanie getting in on the action and being an actual part of the team, instead of just the computer girl since as I have said before, the fact they pushed her somewhat into the background is baffling to me. Also liked seeing an adaption of Clue Master (sort of) and while the hair color was different like Stephanie he is probably one of the characters to look most like their comic book counterpart.

There were some things that did kind of bug me. I am not against the twist that Joe Chill didn’t actually kill Batman’s parents (I mean "the guy who killed Batman’s parents is his whole thing, but it can be nice to subvery comic fans expectations at times and not like that is the biggest lore change in this show by a long shot) but it made little sense to me why Turner would believe him so easily. I mean I don’t think it is a mislead but he basically believed Joe Chill so quickly just because the plot called for it.

Also while I was glad Turner brought Alice with him and dind’t just go alone and hope Harvey was not laying a trap, it made little sense she didn’t stick around for backup, not like she had anything to do by going back to the hideout as she was useless looking for the books.

I also didn’t get him being on death row for 50 years. I get that means Bruce was 58, and honestly it does help believe he was caught off guard and killed if he was pushing 60, even Batman is only human at the end of the day. But seems they could have said it was 35 or 40 years ago and the plot would still have worked. I don’t get the need to make it that late in Batman’s career unless they just thought it helped sell why Joker, etc. weren’t around. I know that has Carrie Kelly being in it lined up more with the comics, but then it maked Blue Bird, Duella, etc. anachronisms to be around the same time as Stephanie and a 50 year old Batman. So if they changed that hardly feels like making Bruce older was nessecary to get Carrie Kelly on the show so again, weird choice.

Speaking of anachronisms, if Bruce Wayne was 58 it means Harvey Dent is not a contemporary of his in this world in addition to apparently not even becoming Two Face until after Batman dies. I mean I get to watch this show we just have to accept in this world, Two Face is a future foe of the Gotham Knights, not Batman. But them futher changing it was not really nessecary IMHO.

Also the scene with Harvey and the mirror while kind of cool, seemed tacked on. Maybe I missed something I was checking my phone a lot near the end. But this episode didn’t seem to have any hints of his alter ego in this episode, so to throw that in out of nowhere just seemd they did it just because they felt obligated to shoe horn in some foreshadowing where it wasn’t nessecary.

But again, despute some problems with the story I did greatly enjoy it. Lot’s of Harvey Dent moments which I am all for, more for Stephanie Brown to do, a nice fight scene and a full on live action Joe Chill made for one of the better episodes so far.


Maybe 50 years was a figure of speech meaning je has been in prison for years.


Not his 1st live action appearance since his only other named one was Batman Begins. There’s also the flashback from BvS, though the shooter was unnamed there so it could be anyone though I typically assume it’s Chill unless we’re told otherwise

I mean both Chill and the news anchor said 50 years specifically, so I feel like they repeated that specific figure enough to where it wasn’t just a generalization. At most maybe they meant he’s been there for almost that long, but it’d still be close enough


I finally watched episode 6 and I am only confused by one thing. 50 years? That just doesn’t feel right. That would put Bruce at 58 years old. I know we didn’t see him long but he didn’t look 58 years old.

But, otherwise, good episode.


Do I look like I am 61 in all of my pictures?


I just stopped paying attention to things that don’t make sense anymore. Sigh.


Who else was feeling Bruce / Jim Gordon vibes from FOX’s Gotham in the way Turner and Dent interacted in the last episode?


Now that you mention it, it is very reminiscent.


I’m enjoying this show. The “Knights” have no business repeatedly beating out Talons, the mob and corrupt police officers. Stephanie’s instant ability to “hack” everything is not very believable. It’s a completely out of left field reimagining of Gotham. But it’s fun. It doesn’t seem to take itself too seriously. The characters are likable. Something about the way it’s shot looks pretty. I don’t want to say “cinematic”, but it just looks good to my eyes. Dent is cool, especially the use of shadows to foreshadow (pun not intended) his Two-Face persona. I like it!


My daughter is way cooler than Talon.


Agreed. She’s cool. Like I said, the characters are likable. I’m just not finding their heroics fully believable, yet… but it’s still fun :slightly_smiling_face:


Except it’s not really heroics, that’s what’s pretty interesting about these heroes, all their acts of “heroism” is more about clearing their names. Take a look at this episode, they weren’t even going to stop the art heists until they found out it’s connected to the Court of Owls.


Let’s see, Turner, Duela, Stephanie, Brody and now Harper? Who’s left in this love quadrangle? LOL.

The Gotham Knights are becoming more and more public, badass, and they’re finally wearing masks, about time. It’s still so weird that their heroic acts are more about clearing their names as opposed to just being heroes.


I get it. Maybe “heroics” was the wrong word. I meant the full on action shenanigans (as much as I enjoy that stuff). Carrie learned from the best, Batman, ok. Turner’s martial arts lessons are supposed to make him so capable? Ok he also learned from Bruce. What about the other three? Maybe their background pulling off whatever heists before gave them their skills. It’s just that… I feel like they all kind of stumbled into it, you know? And now all of a sudden they’re fighting off bad guys left & right like they’re some superhero team. It’s similar to how I felt about the way they did Batwoman. Both incarnations of the character on the CW just stumbled onto the batsuit and, boom, superhero with only a few mishaps here & there.

Bruce had to leave home and get trained by various gurus and experts all over the world for years before he was ready. Clark, well… Kryptonian powers, raised by the Kents, and years training with Jor-El in the fortress. Wonder Woman, demigod and Amazonian combat training. Green Arrow, years surviving and honing his skills on Lian Yu. I can go on.

The origin story for these “heroes” could have been done a little better. They have a pretty good setup for the origin. Like you said, they’re trying to clear their names. I just feel feats like taking down armed drug operations are coming a little too easily for these kids.

Whoa… that took me too many words to explain, for what I consider a minor gripe :slightly_smiling_face:.


I honestly think the fights are a bit different, Turner and Carrie fight fairly similar, and the others fight more like brawlers, raised in the streets and stuff, like how Roy Harper was in Arrow in the beginning of his debut, not a master fighter but a good enough fighter. It’s not like drug criminals are master fighters either, even cops, look at their fight with the Talon, it took all of them to even get a dent, and even then they still never really took him down, they retreated.


I’m a bit frustrated that the Knights are completely okay with Duela’s completely unacceptable enjoyment of torture and murder. I get why the writers are doing it, but I think it’s very bad.

Steph this week was fun - less incompetent than last week, which was good, but nothing really there for her. Unless you’re a Steph/Harper shipper, which I’m not.


Duela’s methods aren’t monstrous, they’re helpful, even Carrie regretted being nice to the Talon’s mother.