Gotham Knights TV Series Announcement... Thoughts?

Yeah this looks horrible that’s all I’m gonna say.


I just mean since there is a game of the same name coming out using the characters and plot of the game might be better


I’m game for following the Batman family of characters, but it remains to be seen whether these will even be those characters. It seems likely that any connection to DC will ring hollow.

Legends of Tomorrow drifted pretty far from connections to the DC universe, but at least started out with some reasonably-accurate DC characters, and the show earned the benefit of the doubt over time.

I agree with the poster who compared Gotham Knights to the short-lived series Birds of Prey. That show was trying to pull off X-men with the Batman license.

If Carrie Kelly’s presence meant it was taking place post-Dark Knight Returns, that would be great, but the presence of a young Stephanie and Duella seems to rule that out. And if Harvey is pre-Two Face, how is there a fully-grown Duella? While they’re at it, why don’t they just include Aunt Harriet as some young, sassy tramp?

They are all accused of Bruce Wayne’s death, so we’ll be hearing about Bruce Wayne in most episodes, a la Batwoman, constantly reinforcing its inferiority complex.

I will tune in and give it a chance, though


It’s odd


Her last name is Dent, but she’s not actually related to Harvey.


I think that is somebody who coincidentally just has Carrie’s name.


One of my biggest hopes for this series is that Harvey actually has a consistent role throughout. The last time we got him in a live-action show was Gotham, only for him to completely disappear like halfway through season 2 despite technically being part of the main cast. I’m sure the emphasis will stay on the younger characters, as it should, but it’d still be nice to have Harvey be an actual steady presence


I’m optimistic about this show. I’m just happy to see Harper and Cullen in anything.

And characters don’t need to be carbon copies of their comics counterparts, there is a multiverse after all, I’d rather have an actor that plays the part well than someone that just looks the part.

Also, after everything has been canceled recently I’ll 100% be watching this when it releases. Even if it didn’t look good. I want CW to know that I want more DC superhero shows. Though, as a Batfam fan, I am actually excited about this show.


What if the actor is both?


They are not allowed to use Batman as a main character.


Again, there is a multiverse. I don’t think an actor has to look exactly like their comics character. Who the character is, is far more important than what they look like. Glasses, hair color, height, race, etc. should be irrelevant when casting. It should be all about how good of an actor or actress they are.


Seems like you’d accept almost anything. Also, not completely what I asked.


This is not true.

Blanket character embargos have not existed for years.


And yet Batman is no more than a background character… again.


Because of the premise of the show, not some prohibition against using the character.


Ok, sorry. If an actor is both physically the comic character and able to act the part then sure I’d love to see them be the part.

But it’s not necessary to have. Look at Grant Gustin. Arguably, a great Barry Allen. Does he have blond hair? Nope. Jason Momoa. Does he look remotely like Aquaman from the comics? Nope. Is he still a great Aquaman? Yep. The list goes on from there.

All I’m saying is we, as fans, need to stop judging casts by looks and go by their acting abilities. I’m fans of other series and shows and I see it everywhere. Fans getting mad that casts aren’t the exact image that they are ‘supposed to be’. Characters can change a bit. Going from the page to the screen isn’t a simple switch. It isn’t the end of the world. Most of these characters were created 30/40 (or more) years ago. An update isn’t a bad idea.

And, yeah. I’m happy to see new content. I read comics and watch tv to enjoy it. Not to hate it. So I am excited for this show. I’d argue that the Batfam is way more interesting that Batman himself. And this show is going to be all about new sides of the Batfam that hasn’t be focused on before.


What wouldn’t you take them doing to a pre-existing character?


Probably the killing joke movie.


I, yeah, I wasn’t a fan of the Killing Joke movie. Or the comic, for the record.

It does take a lot for me to not like something but it does happen. There are specific tropes or topics that I usually always dislike. But that could be it’s own thread and I won’t go into that here.

I am excited for this show. It’s hard to judge what it will be based off casting news and one promo photo but it does look interesting. I can’t wait to see more info about it.


I find it looks rather generic and a poor man’s Power Rangers.