Golden, Silver, and Bronze Age comics could use some expansion

Now that this service is exclusively comics, I was hoping the library was going to expand.

But I still see there are large gaps in what’s available. For example, Superman’s Girl Friend Lois Lane stops at #21 and resumes at #93. Also, Wonder Woman only goes up to issue #15 and then there’s a random assortment after that with patches of missing comics all over the place.

Also, there are many issues of Wonder Woman that are still old scans. They haven’t been updated to the “clean-ed up” versions yet that I know exist in other collections.

When can we expect these gaps to be filled?


They’re taking requests in the Suggestions area.

But something else to keep in mind is that while they can pass on these requests to DC Comics, the digitized comics are made primarily for Comixology and are given to both Comixology and DCUniverse.

I would also recommend making the same requests to Comixology and to DC Comics.

DCUniverse may have more pull for comics now than it did as a video service, so maybe they can make it happen. We’ll see.


Where can I find the Suggestions area?

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You can find it right here!

I have taken the liberty of requesting the titles you’ve specifically mentioned in this thread, but if you have others feel free to share them in the request thread :slight_smile: