Favorite Batgirl?

Hey guys, I’m curious: who’s your favorite Batgirl and why? Personally, mine is Cassandra Cain. I think she’s a total badass and one of the most dangerous characters in DC. Had she ended up on a different path, she could’ve been one of the deadliest.


I recently had a thread similar to this one with a poll. You may want to check out “Who is your favorite Batgirl?”
I personally prefer Cass as well. To me Barbara will always be Oracle, Steph annoys me greatly, and Kate was… a golden/silver age character. Cass, on the other hand is capable and fully dedicated to everything the bat stands for. Her origin story is one of the best in comics in my opinion.

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As stated above, I’m pretty sure that there’s already a thread like this. That said, I like Babs, but I feel like she really came into her own as Oracle, far more so than as Batgirl. I like Steph, but I think she should stay Spoiler. I have to go with Cass as my overall favorite.

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Barbara Gordon all the way.

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Babs all day, i stick to the OG’s. Well Bette technically is the OG, y’all get it.

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