Does Anyone Know WHY the Green Arrow (88–98) Series Has Gaps in It?

It skips from issue 25 to issue 80, then Skips from 100 to 110 [The whole aftermath of the death including the funeral], then after 111, it jumps to 134.

Huge gaps for those wanting to revisit this era.


There are a lot of Comics on DCUI that have large gaps. Notable comics are Detective comics (1930s - 2011), Action Comics (1938 - 2011), and I’m pretty sure The Adventures of Superman from the 80s. DC just hasn’t bothered filling the gaps


Just like they haven’t bothered giving me a second volume of Jonah Hex or vol 6 of Marv Wolfman’s Deathstroke run. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

They also didn’t bother with a vol 2 of vigilante or vol 3 of Ostrander’s Specter run. :rage:


I just want them to fill out their golden age library :confused:


Basically, digitization is slow, disorganized, and underfunded work, and there are conspicuous gaps even in shockingly recent stretches of major tentpole titles. Action Comics in general is a disaster. It’s just that there’s not really much to be done about it; they do add new things regularly, it’s just a bit of a trickle, so if you’re hoping for something in particular that they’re not concentrating on, it’ll probably be a while.

That Connor Hawke-era Green Arrow stuff is pretty high on my personal wish list, though.


Agreed. I have just put in my own request (renewed periodically, though possibly not often enough) to fill in gaps in THE FLASH and to add the 1973 iteration of SHAZAM!.


Still waiting… I’ve heard creators have access to titles missing on Infinite so I have to assume this is oversight

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I know it has been stated in the past some gaps in series are from them not having an issue on archive, and apparently that is why the late 80’s spectre is missing an issue so they apparently don’t have some modern age comics in the archive… BUT seems unlikely they would be missing that many issues of something like Green Arrow.


I will say that makes sense for one offs, but when specific ranges numbers or runs/ arcs are missing it seems intentional.