Did WildCATS ever participate in Convergence?

A lot of the Convergence books open with a page showing one world vs another, and one of them shows the WildCATs team, but I don’t remember them ever being in any of the series.

They certainly didn’t have their own book, all the Convergence books are on the DCU library and I don’t see one. It’s possible some of those characters showed up in those books, but I honestly can’t remember which one if they had.

Not that I remember, but other Wildstorm characters popped up, like Deathblow.

There’s a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it appearance in Convergence #0.

I read what I thought was all of convergence and only saw that cameo appearance. Really bummed me out until I seen all the convergence books, I don’t have enough desire or life to read, so I checked out.